Chapter 3- case

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*WE are going to be getting into graphic content as this is a case they're working on so beware before reading** 


As I follow the others into the room I see a table in the middle with chairs surrounding it. 

 They all go to take their seats and I try to sit beside Spencer but Emily grabs that seat. So now I'm stuck between Derek and Hotch. Great. The two men that make me the most nervous.

''You alright lovely? Look a bit nervous'' Derek  whispers. Making me jump a little. 

''Oh didn't mean to scare you, you okay?'' He rests his hand on my shoulder and I wince a little. He gives me a puzzled look.

Damn profilers. We mutter back and forth while JJ starts putting up photos and getting the projector set up.

''Yeah I'm okay. Can't believe I'm finally at the BAU.'' I lie, putting a smile on my face.

He seems to buy it. 

''Don't stress too much, and congratulations. I'm sure you worked hard to get in here. We all did. Oh, and don't worry about the team either, you seem great and I'm sure we'll all warm up to each other when we get to know you better.''

I nod. Still nervous of him. 

''There's not much to know about me.'' I laugh lightly.

He just shakes his head. 

''I'm sure that's not true.''

''Alright guys. Lets get started.'' JJ says. 

We all turn our attention to her.

''Chicago, for the past month  girls have been showing up dead. Ages 13 or 14. So far Chicago PD has found 10 girls. All of them rapes. No signs of torture. Though it does look like the girls were held down, bruises are everywhere. Simply rape and kill. ''

Hotch sighs beside me.

''Lydia, you specialize in rape and adolescent  murders/killers. I'd like you to take the lead on this. Or at least start us off on what you think we're looking at.''

Thoughts slam into me. When I was 10-14 I was being assaulted. My stupid fucking gym teacher. He only raped me a few times. But he touched me a lot. And he would always call me by my last name. Which is why I don't like being called Tane.

I sigh. These poor girls.

''Of course. They're all 13 or 14 you said?''

'Yep.'' JJ replies.

''Alright. Well its possible we're dealing with a pedophilic serial killer.''

''Why are you suggesting the killers a pedophile?'' Spencer asks.

''Well, because of the victimology. They're all ages 13 or 14. So they're young. The killer is most likely older because all these girls are tall, and physically fit , they looked pretty healthy. If it was someone their own age, they probably could've fought back more. But forensics found no dna under their nails, nothing on them that suggests they REALLY had a chance to fight back.''

''They looked like they definitely struggled.'' Emily adds.

''So how old do we think our unsub is?'' Hotch asks me.

''To start, I'd say our unsub is a male.'' I mutter.

''Yeah, most often pedophiles and rapists go for the opposite sex. And statistically speaking, men tend to be more rough when assaulting their victims. There's too much bruising and violence on these women that suggest our unsub is in fact a male.''

Derek Morgan Profiled me.Where stories live. Discover now