Chapter 4: [UPDATED] A Terrible Curiosity

Start from the beginning

And if Ozpin and Glynda know that family name...then they must know those two...

Glynda: "Is that your last name? We only know of one family with black and red hair with silver eyes."


Reed: "...okay yeah what about them? Are you trying to send me back? Was this some ploy to get me sent back there?"

Glynda stands there stammered with a shocked expression on her face.

Glynda: "What? So you are him! W-Why are you not living with your family?"

Reed: "I was neglected by my parents. They chose their favorites, preferred my sister over me. I did them a favor and ran. All I wanted was to be loved by them but that's a chance that is so far gone now..."

Silence fills this part of the bullhead and it's a VERY LOUD silence.

Ozpin: "That's not it?"

Reed: "Very much is."

I stand up and take my jacket and shirt off, exposing my chest with a couple very bad looking scars on me. Ozpin gasps and Glynda puts a hand over her mouth, tears forming in her eyes.

Reed: "I was left out of most things thanks to how they decided to be parents. Birthdays? Nothing. Family dinners? Nothing. Holidays? Nothing. I always tried to get them to love me but nothing ever worked."

I feel a tear go down my face but I wipe it away quickly before sitting back down.

Reed: "One fateful birthday. Yang was playing on some game console and I asked if I could play with her. Not ask for a turn, but just to join her. Hell, even just watch. She kept on ignoring me and I just started to cry. I wasn't even whining, I was just silently crying and asking why she hated me. That's when she did this to me. It only ever happened once but it showed me the reality of the situation, the reality of my life. I had to face everything alone, deal with everything alone. Even now I still need to."

Ozpin sighs angrily and rubs his forehead, clearly annoyed and angry at something.

Ozpin: "Alright...I'm very sorry we brought this whole thing up. We will continue this talk later though. We'll even bring you back to Beacon. We have extra dorm rooms that aren't used. You don't deserve to be exiled anymore. Especially not after hearing that story."




3rd person POV:

Reeds face is slightly red from his gentle crying. He looks at Ozpin and nods before breaking down slightly. Glynda sits on the other side of Reed, patting his back slowly and rubbing it in slow circles.

Ozpin: This makes no damn sense! He has shown proof of that beating so I know he isn't lying. But why would Tai and Summer want him back if they neglected him?! They're taking me for a damn fool. No. I'll get the truth from them. No one uses me like this.






Reed POV:

Even with someone like me being a broken kid, not being aware of how society works and what's okay, this Trade ordeal doesn't sit right with me.

But...I'm a bit glad that Ozpin and Glynda would be here to support me. But it also sucks that they're aware of who I am now. At any point Ozpin could go to my parents and ask them about the truth now that I've opened my mouth. That would expose that I'm alive still and even now staying at Beacon temporarily.

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