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"I already told you that I wasn't going back, so for you to keep fuckin questioning me lets me know that you don't believe that. I'm tired of having to explain myself to you when it comes to Dominic, Mekhi!" I yelled through frustrated tears.
"Then, why the fuck was the nigga here Tenia?" Mekhi's voice boomed through my living room.
"I already told you; he came talk, but I didn't let him in. I stood on the porch and talked to him. I don't want him Mekhi; I want to be with you," I cried.
He grabbed his keys from the counter, shaking his head while leaving out the door.
"Where are you going?" I followed him out
He didn't say anything. He got in his car and pulled out of the parking space. Things with Mekhi had gone from sugar to shit in a matter of months. He had told me about the encounter that he had with Dominic in the parking lot of Arundel Mills. I didn't know what he wanted me to do. I understood that Dominic threatened him, but what did he want me to do about that? He had me all fucked up in the head. I loved Mekhi, but I was tired of him dealing when he wanted to deal. I know you thinking this crazy ass girl saying she love him after only dealing with him for almost a year. You couldn't put a time frame on love. It was something that just happened. I walked back in the house an emotional wreck. I walked to the couch and grabbed my phone to call Dominic.
"What's up T? You good?" he answered.
"Why the fuck can't you just leave me alone? Why won't you sign the divorce papers and let me go Dominic? I'm happy with my life but, somehow, you always find a way to fuck that up. You had a baby on me! You cheated on me!" I cried and yelled through the phone.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't done shit to you. I'm wrong because I fucked up, so I'm trying to fix things with my wife? That's bullshit and you know it Tenia. I wasn't the only one cheating; I was just the one who slipped up and got caught. Not like it's a good thing, but shit happens. As for the divorce papers, I'm not signing shit; you'll have to kill me before you are able to be with another nigga!" he barked.
"Fuck you, Dominic! You are going to regret those words because that wish you just asked for may come sooner than you think."
"All this because I threatened your little boyfriend? Bitch, you anything for that shit. Fuck you too, Tenia, and I mean that shit. I hope you know enough about that nigga that you're protecting."
I didn't even say no more; I just hung up the phone. This was just too much bullshit for one day. I turned the tv back on to finish watching my ratchet tv. I didn't even know I was sleep until my alarm started going off for me to get up for work. I slid my finger across the screen for the alarm to shit off and noticed I had 4 missed calls and 5 text messages from Mekhi. The only time he texted me like that was when he was drunk, so I decided I'd wait to read his messages. The way he left last night still hurt my feelings. I got up off the couch where I had fallen asleep, which wasn't rare for me because my couch was very comfortable. I smelled Mekhi's cologne as I walked upstairs, which had me thinking about the way things went the day before.
Once I got to my room, I saw Mekhi laid out across my bed with a tank top and Polo boxers. Looking at him lying there made me want to jump on his sexy ass but, then, I thought about his ass coming in here and not waking me up to get in the bed with him. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my Honolulu Bath and Body Works body wash off my dresser, and went to take a shower. When I was finished my shower, I walked back into my room and his ass was still sleep. I noticed that his horse was at attention, which made my kitty purr. It had been a week since I had some from him because he and I were both busy with work, so our timing was off.
I checked the time on the DVR box and noticed I still had a lot of time to get to the office, so I slid my robe off, walked over to the bed, and started planting kisses on his face. He turned his head a little, never opening his eyes, so I continued placing kisses from his face to his neck, then lifted his shirt and placed kisses down his chest until I got to the horse. I took it out of the hole in the boxers, licking it up and down. I started to suck on it as if it were a lollipop. He started moaning and grabbing at my head, directing me to go faster. I started going fast, using my hands to jack him off as I sucked his dick.
"Damn baby! Now, that's how you wake your man up," he said with, now, opened eyes and a big grin on his face. I just kept going, doing my thing that I was a pro at, if I may say so myself. I didn't stop until I had him begging me to stop. Once he came and I swallowed every drop, I got up to go in the bathroom to brush my teeth for the second time this morning. I could smell the weed before I even opened the bathroom door. I walked out of the bathroom to find Mekhi sitting up against the headboard of my bed, hitting a J and looking so sexy.
"If I didn't have a full clinic today, I would definitely be staying home with you," I said, taking my robe off to put my bra and panties on.
Licking his lips, he said, "I guess this is your way of apologizing to me for yesterday."
"Apologizing to you for what Khi? I didn't do anything wrong. I told you what happened and that was that. Nothing more, nothing less." I rolled my eyes and turned my back, walking across the room to my dresser. I put an extra switch in my walk, so he could see my booty jumping while I walked away.
"Yea, aight Tenia! We not even gon go there. Let's just say we were both wrong for the way we reacted yesterday. That bomb ass head just definitely saved your ass." He walked over to me, hugging me from the back. It was things like this that made me fall for this man. He had an attitude that was out of this world but had a heart that was so pure. It was hard for him to express his feelings to me. I got that I was still married, but I was also in the middle of a divorce with intentions on he and I possibly being together. After we finished hugging, kissing, and messing around, I got dressed. I decided to wear my cream Giorgio Armani pant suit, gold tank, and my Giuseppe Zanotti rhinestone embellished metallic leather slides with my gold belt to match. When I was finished getting dressed, I walked downstairs to where Mekhi was to give him a kiss, but the look he had on his face had me feeling like turning around.
"Why the hell you gotta look like a million dollars to go look in people pussy?" he barked.
"Babe, are you serious?" I cocked my head to the side and put my hand on my hip.
"Hell yea, I'm serious. Showing all my goodies and shit with those tight ass pants."
"Bye Mekhi, I'm not doing this with you this morning. I will call you when I get to the hospital to let you know if I'll have time for lunch or if we're going to do dinner." I kissed him while he wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed my ass. He walked me outside to my car and watched me as I drove off. I was driving to work singing Teena Marie out on a limb and I was feeling it, when I noticed that a car had been following me. It was like every lane I switched to, they did the same. I paid it no attention because we were on I-395 where cars could have been going anywhere, except when I took the Maine Ave exit, so did they. I was getting nervous because I couldn't see who was in the truck because the windows were tinted too dark. I lived about fifteen minutes from where we were, so I knew it would take Mekhi a little while to get to me if he was still at my house. I tried my hand and called him anyway. The phone rang four times before going straight to voicemail. When I hung up, he was calling me right back.
"What's up boo? I got to the phone and you had already hung up."
"Someone is following me, babe. I did what you told me to do if I were to ever get in this situation and they followed every move I made. They are trying to stay 3 cars behind, but I already picked up on them. I'm about to take the exit for Canal Road. I'm almost at my job. I don't want to get in the parking garage alone with them."
"Shit, ok. Call your job to see if any of your patients have arrived. Let them know you are running behind and will be there shortly. Tenia, everything I'm about to tell you, you have to follow directions; do you understand?" I could hear him shuffling around.
"Don't hang up the phone. Call your job on your work phone!" he yelled. I called my job and spoke with my nurse, who told me nobody had showed up yet. I let her know I was running behind so that she could start my patients before I came in. I normally liked to come in and review labs previously ordered, go over charts and notes for new and existing patients, but today just wasn't gonna be that day.
After hanging up with my nurse, I listened to everything that Mekhi was telling me. The driver, I guess, noticed me driving in circles because that's exactly what Mekhi had taken me in, only to pull up next to him. I had already given Mekhi the license plate number along with the make and model, so he knew what kind of car it was. I got out of the car after parking and who gets out of the car? Dominic!
"So, this the shit you like to do in your spare time?" Mekhi asked, pulling his gun out in broad daylight.
"Damn Tenia, it's like that? You called your boyfriend on me? I just wanted to talk wifey," he said with a smirk.
"Dominic, we just talked yesterday. It's nothing else for me to say to you. Why the fuck would you be following me anyway? You are causing all of this for what? Just sign the damn papers and move on with your damn family and let me be happy. You come to my place of business where I work with this bullshit!" I screamed at him.
"Look slim, all this playing around and making threats and shit not gon work with me. I'm a man that makes promises, so this is my last time having this conversation with you. You see this woman? She no longer wants the shit you and her had before. I'm here now and I don't plan on ever letting her go, so you either gon accept that shit and make peace with it or your mama gon be picking out her dress and your mufuckin casket to bury your ass in," Mekhi said, cocking his gun. By this time, all the people in school, patients, and whoever else started to walk pass us.
"Okay Khi, I think he got the picture. Put the gun away! We are in front of a hospital in a white neighborhood, where they have no problem calling the police and the police have no problem locking your ass up. You need to be here for Mekiya. I will not let you go back down that road where you missed the first couple of years of her life. As for you, Dominic, I will not hesitate on letting Mekhi put a bullet in your ass if you try this bullshit again." I pulled Mekhi away from Dominic. Mekhi walked backwards, watching Dominic as I pulled him with me towards the front building of the hospital. I couldn't believe that was just about to go down, let alone the words that had come out of my mouth. How could I have said something like that to the man I once loved? I didn't really know Mekhi's background, except for the things he'd told me. Dominic, on the other hand, I knew all about and was firsthand witness to the shit he had done. I have been his alibi a few times. I even lied under oath for this nigga in a killing that I watched him do. This was just getting too out of hand. I didn't know what I was gonna do, but I knew I was in a love triangle that was bound to get someone or all of us hurt.

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