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I had just walked into Kaden's house when my phone vibrated. After taking it out and seeing Stacey's name flash across the screen, I really wasn't in the mood for her bullshit. I know she was fine because I had just left her. She had an appointment today that I attended with her. She was now 6 months pregnant and Kaden was right behind her at 5 months pregnant. Don't even ask me how I managed to get both of them pregnant at the same time, cause I'd tell you that your guess was just as good as mine. The babies were doing fine, but I was worn out from all these damn back and forth appointments and mood swings between the both of them. My phone vibrated in my pocket again; this time, I noticed it was Mekhi, so I answered
"Fuck you up to nigga?"
"Shit, same shit I was calling to ask you. You been MIA and shit. How are things?" he questioned in a joking way.
"Shit man, same shit different day with me. Work and trying to take care of these women that are about to birth my kids. How's Kiya and things with Tenia going?" I asked. Tenia and I talked when we attended Kaden's appointments or when I came over and she was here, but she never brought up Mekhi.
"Baby girl is good. Growing up and surprising the shit outta me every day with the shit that come out her mouth. As far as Tenia go, we just taking that shit one day at a time. She just served her husband divorce papers a couple weeks ago. I'm really feeling shawdie Trent man, but I'm not trynna be fucked in the end. She always screamin I don't open up but, honestly, I ain't trying too. I show her how I feel, but you know a nigga like me ain't gon tell her ass," he said, sounding all soft and shit, which caused me to laugh.
"Nigga, who the fuck is this whining on the phone about a broad? Since when you start doing that? Tenia must got some kryptonite in her pussy cause you a changed man," I joked with him.
"Nigga, fuck you! Ain't nobody trippin off her like that. I called to check on you and shit; where you at? You wanna meet up and go to the bar and catch the game?" he asked me.
"Kaden has an appointment in a few, so I'm here with her. I haven't even seen her yet; I just got in here. Once her appointment over, depending on what she wants to do after, then I'll hit you up!"
"Aight bet," he ended the call.
I put my phone back in my pocket and walked through the house in search of Kaden. Today, she had an appointment and we were supposed to see what we were having. I found out a few months back that Stacey and I were having a girl and a boy. What are the odds of that? I was excited to be having the best of both worlds honestly. I couldn't wait to see what Kaden and I were having. We went to the doctor last month to check on the baby and make sure things were good and, when Tenia tried to find out the sex, my little one was being shy so we couldn't tell. Walking through the house, I couldn't find her anywhere downstairs but, once I got to the top of the stairs, I could hear her snoring. I laughed to myself because she had never really snored, unless she was extremely tired from the few times I had stayed here before she got pregnant with the baby. Now, since she was pregnant, this snoring thing became frequent.
I walked in her room and her chocolate skin was glistening from the light shining through the peek of the blinds. She looked so gorgeous, laid on top of the cover with her hair all wild. I walked over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. She moved a little but didn't wake up. I had to use the bathroom bad, so I walked in the bathroom to handle my business when my phone started to vibrate again. I let the phone just ring at this point and figured I'd get to the person calling when I was finished. Once I was done, I walked out the bathroom and Kaden was getting out of the bed. She was carrying that pregnancy damn good. Her ass was on top of her back, her hips had spread, and her thighs; man, I tell you, she was looking good enough to eat, which was why I was in this situation now. She walked over to me smiling. "Hey babe! When did you get here? I didn't even hear you come in?"
"I know you didn't cause you were out of it, sounding like a bear in hibernation."
Laughing, she pushed me on my shoulder. "Don't do me like that. Let me brush my teeth and wash my face, and we can head to my appointment. How was your day?"
"I can't complain. I was with Stacey because I told you she had an appointment today as well. I went to work for the first half of the morning because I had to have a meeting with the foreman for the next contract that we have coming up. How was work for you?"
Sounding muffled from her brushing her teeth, she asked, "How are the babies? Are they fine? As for me, work was okay I guess. I was tired, so I left a little early. My back was killing me and, with me not being able to take any pain medicine, you know how I can get."
She walked out of the bathroom, drying her face off with a towel. I just kept looking at her, trying to figure out how we went from being creepers to her carrying my child and us in a potential relationship. We walked out the room with my hand at the small of her back, making sure she was okay. I knew she was only 5 months, but I was very careful with her, just like I was with Stacey. I was very overprotective of them because I wouldn't know what to do if something were to happen to my kids or them. When we got downstairs, she grabbed her purse off the rail of the steps, walked to the door to put on her slides, and we were out the door. As we were riding in the car, my phone vibrated again; that's when I realized I hadn't checked the phone earlier after I came out of the bathroom. My phone was hooked through the Bluetooth to the car so, when it vibrated, it rung through the car as well. Stacey's name popped up, so I looked at Kaden out the corner of my eye.
"Go ahead and answer it; I'm fine. Something may be wrong with her or the babies."
I connected the call. "What's up Stace? You and the babies good?"
"Yes, we're good Trenton. I was calling because I set up the hospital tour and wanted to give you the date so that you can make yourself available," she said in a nasty-like way.
"Aight cool. If you could, just text me the information because I'm driving right now, so I'm unable to put it in my calendar."
"Sure," was all she said before disconnecting the call.
If that's all she wanted to say, I didn't even understand what her reason for calling was. She could have text me that. I couldn't wait until this divorce was finalized. Things were moving, but they damn sure were moving slow. My text notification went off, so I figured that it was Stacey texting me the information, so I didn't bother to look at it. Kaden never said anything regarding Stacey and I. She always kept quiet, even when I asked her opinion on things. I mean, don't get me wrong; it wasn't her place to say anything, but I would have thought that, since we were a together, she would have had a say. That's what I loved about her. We were sitting here with our hands clasped together on the ride and she always kept a smile.
We pulled up at Georgetown University Hospital thirty minutes later. After finding a parking spot in the parking garage, we got out and headed to our destination. After walking all over the hospital to get to the other side, we finally made it to our floor and signed in. After getting checked in, we were called to the back after a ten minute wait. She got her vital signs done, where they checked her weight and blood pressure. She had gained five pounds since the last time we were here, which was like a month ago, and her blood pressure was fine. The nurse put us in the room and told us Tenia would be in shortly. Kaden insisted in Tenia being the doctor to deliver our baby. It was fine with me. She was her friend and she trusted her, so I understood.
We were sitting there just talking about nothing in particular, when Tenia walked in the room all smiles. "Heyyy, soon to be mommy and daddy? How are you guys doing? K, I see that you have gained five pounds since our last visit. How are you feeling? Your blood pressure looks good, which is a great thing compared to the last time that you came in."
"Sis, I have been eating healthier, so I hope I'm able to lose all of this weight. I have been exercising, but I think I'm going to cut back because, today, I was having really bad back pain. I wasn't really doing anything today. I did have to go into the office, but I was there maybe for a couple of hours because I had a conference call that I needed to be in the office for."
"I would definitely say cut back on the exercising if you are having some back pain. I think we may be looking into an early bed rest for you. The last thing that I need is you stressed out over anything because it can cause stress on the baby. It's too early in the pregnancy for that. I want you to lie back on the table for me. I'm gonna check the heartbeat, then we'll see if we can find out the sex of my niece or nephew," Tenia said, smiling.
Tenia shut the lights off, as Kaden laid back on the exam table. She already had the screen up on the machine where you could see the baby. She put the jelly substance on Kaden's stomach, then took the probe and started moving it around. Immediately, I saw what I assumed to be the head and was all smiles. That was like little man or princess in there. Kaden looked over at me after she saw the baby sucking its thumb.
"Hell no, we gonna cut that out as soon as he or she get here," I said, which caused them both to laugh.
"O hush Trent, you not cutting nothing out," Tenia said while still working on the screen. There was a tap on the door, then an older woman walked in.
"Hello Dr. Chapman, sorry it took me so long. I was in with another patient."
"It's alright Kathy. I just appreciate you doing this for my sister. Kaden, Trent, this is Kathy. She's one of the sonographers who will be helping us out today. She is really good at what she does so, today, we will find out what we are having," Tenia stated.
Kathy took over Tenia's spot and instantly started working her magic. She started to take measurements of the baby's head and body, as Tenia asked her too.
"Kaden, are you sure you want to know the sex of the baby? If we tell you, then it'll be pointless to have a gender reveal party," Tenia said before we found out what we were having.
"I don't know. I want to know but, then again, I want to be surprised. I don't really care what the baby is; I just want a healthy baby. So yea, just go ahead and tell Trent. You don't have to tell me," Kaden said with her head turned away from the screen.
Tenia looked at me. "You ready to find out Trent? Kaden, keep your ass looking at that wall. Don't try to be sneaky. You know how you can be."
"I'm ready," was all I could say.
Kathy moved the probe around a little bit more until she stopped. She took a picture of the area and started typing. The only reason I knew she had taken a picture was because I was at every appointment that Stacey had to attend and because she was a month sooner than Kaden was, I asked questions, so I'd know. I smiled as she typed those words on the screen. I was, again, the happiest man alive. Kaden was going to be excited; I already knew it. After Kathy was done, she congratulated us and headed out of the room. Tenia told Kaden to get undressed from the waist down and she'd be back in. After waiting for about ten minutes, Tenia came back in with an envelope and handed it to me. She washed her hands, put gloves on, and sat in the rolling stool.
"I need you to put your feet in the stirrups and slide down until I say stop K."
Kaden put her feet up and slid down as asked. Tenia put the lubricant on her fingers and told Kaden to breathe. She pressed down on her pelvic area a few times, asking if it hurt. After the reassurance that she was fine, she took her finger out, threw away her gloves, and stood to wash her hands.
"Everything looks fine Kaden. Your cervix is fine, no dilation, so things are looking good. I will see you back here in a month. You can go out to the front and make sure you're the last patient 3pm," she said before she kissed Kaden's forehead and headed out the door.
Kaden turned my frown upside down with today's news. After getting herself together, we headed out to the front to schedule Kaden's next appointment. We walked out hand in hand, smiling at each other like two love struck teenagers. Kaden's phone rung as we were heading to get on the elevator.
"Hey ma, we are getting on the elevator, leaving the hospital. I will call you as soon as I get in the car."
Once we got in the car, Kaden wanted to stop at the wharf on her way home to get some crabs and shrimp, so we headed there while she called her mom back. I wasn't really a fan of Mrs. Monroe and she wasn't a fan of me. I knew she didn't like me because of my situation, but I didn't give a fuck. I wasn't with her; I was with her daughter. I respected the fact that she was my child's grandmother and Kaden's mother but, other than that, that was all I had for her. I would never disrespect her; I just didn't care for her. She would always say how Kaden was worth more than what she put out to be and how she deserved a better man. Listening to their conversation was pissing me off because the conversation was one sided, which left me guessing what her mother was saying, compared to the answers Kaden was giving.
"Babe, my mom wants to speak to you." Kaden handed me the phone.
I gave her a look that said 'you know damn well' but I went on ahead and got on the phone. "Yes ma'am?"
"Hello Trenton Shark! What are we having? My daughter said she didn't want to know, so I'm kindly asking you so that we can start planning these events," Mrs. Monroe said in a stern tone.
I shook my head. "I honestly can't say what we're having Mrs. Monroe because Kaden doesn't want to know and she's in the car with me right now. I can have Tenia give you a call and she can tell you."
"Give my daughter back her phone. That is all Trenton," she said rudely.
I mouthed to Kaden that her mother was a bitch and she just laughed. I was serious as shit and, if Kaden loved her mother, she would make sure her mother respected me like I respected her. I was definitely gonna hit up Mekhi after dropping her ass off because I was in another world after that.

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