Painfull truths...

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When he finally emerged into the room, I exhaled quickly at my sight...

It was him.


The guy from school who was basically refusing to be my friend was now being... sorta forced to interact with me.

The look on his face gave it all.

Disappointment, anger, straight up Sadness.

"Y O U!" I stood up from my seat and looked at him, outraged, not wanting to believe my eyes.

"Hm!" He gave a resigned look. It felt like when I was a little kid and someone 'mean' stuck their tongue out at me.

Then my dad intervened: "so... you do know each other....?"

"We sure do..." Zander never took his eyes off me, he was genuinely angry.

"Alex!!" Shannon stood up from her seat and walked up to him, immediately wrapping him in a hug. "You had me worried sick".

"Ugh..." Zander groaned as he pushed his mother away from him, as he angrily mumbled an 'I don't like hugs and you know it' in discomfort.

He walked away from the dining room a bit and raised his voice again.

"Can I just leave?"

Shannon looked sad, starting to give up any hopes that her son would ever like me or my dad. "Alexander, please... just a second..."




...His decision was made.

Zander glanced at me and my dad once more and quickly walked away through the short hallway and into one of the rooms on it.

Shannon sighed heavily and looked down. I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

"He d-doesn't even like me... h-how was I expecting him to like you?" her voice started trembling and breaking, her eyes filled with tears. She sat back on her seat. "I-I think you should just leave... y-you're too good to be dragged into this pointless drama..."

My dad placed his hand over Shannon's and held it softly, as he smiled, telling her everything with just the look on his face...

'It's okay. I understand'

...If I'm honest, that was the moment my thoughts just started completely zoning out... I slowly paced in and out, feeling suddenly tired.

I don't remember much after that. I think they talked for a moment and I remember that we were soon out of the place and in our car again.

But my head was too overwhelmed to care about anything. I felt like I was about to faint.

I didn't even know what to make of this situation anymore.

The entire exchange trough that evening...

...Left me feeling obnoxiously emotional.

Throughout the rest of the ride home, all of my thoughts seemed to lead to Shannon, and not only her, Zander too.

I hadn't even had time to process the fact, but...

What's happened to us... | A The Music Freaks Backstory AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang