A small word from Ms. Author

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You can just skip to the next chapter where the story starts if you don't care what I have to say!

Okay! Hi! 

Its 🍄 the author 🍄 here, with a little bit of scrumptious c o n t e x t for you beautiful people

This story is entirely my own interpretation of backstories for the music freaks characters. Bear in mind that I started writing this on paper (not counting how much I have already written in my head) a while ago, when episode 4 i think...? Was the newest stuff out there. 

So... some predictions or things that I added into this headcannon got kinda screwed over by the actual backstories told in the series now (episodes 8 and 9 majorly). That's why I don't know wether to call it a Headcannon or an AU anymore. (Because, it stared as a Headcannon but that doesn't really hold anymore)

So yes, I do have planned things for what happens during and after the competition, that will all probably get screwed with the cannon as well.

But again, this AU's story does have most of the cannon events in the series in an extremely (if not equal) similar way of how they happen, so that makes it not completely an AU or, whatever.

I gotta stop ranting, it doesn't matter what it is,  you can read it anyway...

But yeah, just don't get confused, and if you do....? Leave a comment, I guess? I may see it and resolve what the heck is going in the story on for you!! (if I even can)

ONE LAST THING: Don't you DARE talk to me about this if you know me irl, y'all know who you are!

ANOTHER LAST THING: im far from being used to writing the stories I have, so please have some mercy with my writing skills, English and the shitty way I do past tense lmao ㅜㅜ 

But ANYWAY, enjoy....

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