the final Part. .. (PLOT)

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Ok, so where we left off, now everyone sees Zander as a nerd who plays piano. Some people feel pity for him, and purposefully avoid interacting with him, while some actively look for him just to tell him how pathetic and gay he is. Apart from being known as CSG (Creepy Stalker Guy), he begins to be known as "Piano man". I want to highlight that the fact that he likes playing piano is what causes everyone to start calling him gay (as an insult).

At some point,  Nathan (one of Nick's best friends, who is in Zander's class) begins including Zander whenever its time to do work in teams, with the sole purpose of messing with him, and making him do all the work. People treat him as a joke, asking him to participate in class when nobody else does and constantly fighting over who gets to "keep him" (AKA hang out with him in class).

As this goes on, Luke always tries to stay close to Zander. He talks to him in the morning, works with him during teamwork, and helps him with class work. At first, Zander appreciates having his best friend by his side, he still goes over to Luke's house, they still talk to each other, even if its not about what's going on at school. The thing is that, as time goes on and people continue to bully him, he becomes silent and stops talking, even to Luke.


I also (very quickly) want to add that, when Nick makes group chats for everyone in the grade, both Zander and Hailey are there to wittness everyone getting to be a part of it, except them. I  want to highlight that even though Hailey is not being publically humilliated like Zander is, Nick still treats her as stupid and threatens her with telling everyone she's a music nerd too, and that she's on Zander's side. Hailey feels extremely lonely due to this and still feels just as guilty of this entire situation. She doesnt talk to neither Zander or Luke for months.


So, as people continue to treat him as a toy and humilliate him by pretending he fits in, Zander becomes more and more silent.

He drifts away from Luke when people start asking him if he has a crush on him, to avoid getting him dragged into this even more and feeling embarassed that his only friend seems more like a crush than anything. Luke starts losing hope, and doesn't know how to comfort him, especially after he stops visiting his house and they stop walking home together.

Meanwhile, at home, Zander partially stops talking to his mother, and starts avoiding meals, claiming more and more often that he just "isn't hungry". To try and make up for that wierd behviour (and I guess as just another way to escape his mother and her boyfriend) he begins going out to run a couple times per month, as a way relax his brain with so many things going on. 

Until one day, Nick decides to change things up a little bit.

Through chat, and also by talking to people without Zander knowing, Nick suggests that everyone starts giving Zander the silent treatement.

So, after weeks and weeks of Zander being the centre of everyone's attention, he gets completly thrown out, and everyone begins ignoring him. 

Zander thought he hated being talked to and called names, but as soon as he starts being ignored, the loneliness is even more humilliating than anything before. It takes a while for everyone  to ignore him, as they still find him entretaining enough, but eventually, people get over him, and genuinley stop caring about what he does.

Once more, Luke desperately tries talking to him, but Zander ignores him once again.

Seeing how bad things have gotten for Zander, Luke decides that he's going to send the email he wrote some time ago, so that once he gets his phone back, maybe they'll be able to talk and find a way to solve this toghether, but until then, Zander  seems to be completly on his own.

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