the final part.. . (PLOT)

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There was a very cool scene during lunchtime I have pretty much forgotten, but im going to try and explain it as well as I can: 

Zander runs to get his lunch as quickly as he can, but just as he is walking through the hallway, he gets intercepted by Neil, who starts inviting him to hang out, refusing to let him walk away (this was told from Luke's POV, whos watching the situation from his locker).

To make things worse, Nate, Nick and some popular girls come into the hallway and as soon as they see Zander, they  know what to do. Nick takes the lead as the drama king he is, and tells Zander that he could be great as a part of their group, hugging him and pinching his cheeks as if he didnt know he was being made fun of. He invites him to eat lunch with them, to what Zander replies:

"I would never eat lunch next to a brat like you" Which is just beautiful.

The rest of the group gets offended and start absolutely destroying Zander, telling him that Nick was "literally just being nice", Nate calls him a BItch and everyone is shook, some girl tells him that there isnt a place for freaks like him at school, and they end up leaving him alone in the hallway.

Zander stands there, zoning out. Luke stares at him, worried, and contemplates going up to him to talk, but ends up telling himself that Zander wont want to be bothered by him, and doesnt move. Just then, he realizes that Hailey has been there wittnessing this too, from the wall of lockers opposite to where he is. 

Hailey is destroyed, she feels horrible for what is happening to Zander now because of her. Hailey is about to take a step towards him, but just then, he snaps out of his trance and runs out of the hallway. Hailey fights back tears, and runs in the opposite direction.

Luke is left alone in the hallway. He eats his lunch there, and is still unsure about what to do.

The rest of the week goes on pretty much the same way. Zander tries hard to avoid getting caught by Nick and his goons, but they eventually do find him and are just plain annoying and depricating to him. Basically, since powerful-old-Nick says he's an outcast, they treat him as such.

As time goes on, there become two kinds of people:

-- The ones who bully Zander 

-- And the ones who Ignore the entire situation regarding Zander

-- And then there's Hailey and Luke who basically end up falling into that last category.

For a few days, Nick doesnt say anything about the Music Freak situation , that is until the second week of this, where everyone seemed to simultaneously be aware of Zander's deep secret...

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I think this whole thing starts at football-soccer practice with Luke. As you may know, Luke was forced to joing the school's soccer team (of which Nicholas is capitan) because Nick wanted him to join, and threatened to hurt Zander if he didn't.

During thursday practice that week, Luke is taking with some of the kids from the team about their week. 

The topic of Luke being in detention comes up, and he explains to the others that Zander wasn't trying to escape detention, but just wanted to get out of the classroom for a while. The others still find him wierd, but Luke figures it would be much wierder to explain that he escaped detention just to play the auditorium's piano.

Either way, one of the boys asks Luke if he has talked to Zander since, and he finally explains that he tried to write an e-mail, but since Zander is grounded and doesnt have his phone, he wasnt able to actually send anything.

To his luck, Nick overhears this, and, as a new idea sparks into his head, he asks him:  "Oh, Luke! do you have an e-mail account? Maybe we could chat sometime!"

This makes everyone instantly feel jealous of King Nick paying attention to Luke, and they all start caliming that they have email accounts too. Nick suggests they make a group chat  for the team, and everyone exitedly agrees.

The next day, on Friday, Nick starts collecting ebven more e-mail addresses, with the plan of making a space that includes the entire 6th grade generation.  He declares to everyone in each class that the group chat will be activated during the weekend.

And so, now everyone is part of Nick's 6th grader group chat.

Everyone except Hailey, and Zander.

Surprisingly, Luke is added to both the soccer and the generation group chats. 

It doesn't take people long to realize that Zander is not present, and they start insulting him and discussing his actions behind his back. To this, all Luke does is defend Zander, which ends in Nick kicking him out of the main 6th grade group chat.

Also, the fact that they all called him "CSG" at that time doesn't really help with how much of a bullying item he was seen as.

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Zander arrives at school the next Monday, smelling a suspicious air around the halls.

Once he arrives at the classroom, he sits in his chair and is feeling as unsafe as ever.

As more people arrive, everyone is staring at him with wierd and akward expressions. Zander feels like he should be used to this by now, yet he can't help but feel unsettled.

Hailey arrives and sits far away from Zander as possible. Luke arrives and is visibly nervous about the group chat situation. Zander is vaguely aware of the group chat, and the more he thinks of it, he begins to hope for the worst.

Nathan arrives in class, and immediately sits in front of Zander, being the first to acknowledge him, saying hi to him with a loud: 

"Hey, Piano Man! How you doing?" a hushed laughter spreads across the class. 

As more people sit down for class, they, once again talk directly to Zander, asking him if its true that he sneaked out of detention just to play the piano, and if that's really his biggest passion, almost in a pitiful manner. 

And Zander? Well, he just wishes  he could be swallowed by the earth...

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