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I sat in that storage room for a good 5 minutes trying to comprehend what the fuck is happening.

Every time I closed my eyes I could still feel his hands around my waist and his lips on my neck.

But it didn't matter how much I loved it, how much I craved it.

If there were any two people in the world that should be the last to be involved, it was us.

Chris was smart to leave before things got intense.

The problem was, that in my head there was no logical reason for me to give into him like this.

But every time our lips collide... I lose all self control.

A sigh escaped my lips as I finally left to go to my next class.

The longer I walked, the more I convinced myself that I was just sleep deprived or something
yeah that's gotta be it

Since Chris was just there i obviously mistook him for Steve Harrington or something,

yep that's the only logical explanation.

however i knew what we were doing was idiotic and I wasn't going to do it any longer.

We both hated each other just as much before as we do now.

It made no difference.

"Quinn" A voice suddenly called, catching my attention.

I looked over to see Matt and Blair heading for me with concerned expressions.

"When you didn't come back to class we got worried. Where'd you go?" Blair asked when they reached me.

Clearing my throat, I tried to rid my head of all the dangerous thoughts that came flooding in.

"Sorry, I just got a little held up" in the storage room...

"Okay, well you missed half your classes but we still have Gym class together next. You ready?" She asked, looping her arm through mine.

I nodded as we began to walk through the halls in the direction of the gym.

Matt decided to walk on the other side of me instead of next to Blair, which was very unusual. In fact, the closer I studied them, the more I realized how they refused to even look at each other.

Did I miss something?

When Matt was looking in another direction, I nudged Blair in question. She stiffened but just mouthed 'later'. And that was that.

We arrived at the gym without any other problems and we started to play basketball, I was grateful for the distraction.

Although it was proven difficult to focus when me and Chris kept locking eyes across the court.him being on the apposing team


Class eventually came to an end and we all wanted to leave this shithole as fast as possible.

It was Friday, which meant an entire weekend without having to face my problems.

And by problems I meant Chris Sturniolo.

Well, at least I thought I wouldn't have to face them until I spotted Alahna heading straight for me with a devious smile.

"Oh God, what is it?" I groaned

Matt and Blair already walked ahead, staying an unhealthy distance away from each other.

Alahna smirked and slung her arm around my shoulder,

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