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The med bay was probably the most boring spot of the school. 

ms dugray rushed around from place to place finding things for me to take that would ease the pain.

Matt and Blair were waiting outside to come in, as ms dugray shooed them and everyone else out the moment Chris brought me in. 

I had no idea where he went, which was probably a good thing.

With each passing moment my anger grew. I was from a pretty good family, but we never had the money to afford the nicest stuff available.

I saved money for months to buy it and now all that was left was a pile of wood and my sprained wrist. 

"Take this" ms dugray  instructed handing me a bottle full of  clear liquid. 

Nodding my head, I took the bottle from her and downed it in one go.

The liquid burned all the way down. And once I swallowed it, I began coughing profusely attempting to get air into my lungs. 

"Alright calm down. You're going to feel a bit of pain in your wrist, but it should go back to normal in a few days." Ms dugray instructed,

"Now lay down and I will let your friends in"  I obeyed and leaned back onto the bed.

The moment she walked away, pain sparked in my wrist once more making me gasp.

My breathing came out in shallow pants and this time
I couldn't stop the single tear from streaming down my face. 
The pain was slow to subside and by the time blair and matt rushed in, it delayed to a slow throbbing.

"Hey" Blair called running in and grabbing my good hand.

"How are you feeling? Are you crying? What's wrong?"  I only blinked at her questions, trying to decipher one from the other.

"jeez Blair, way to overwhelm her" Matt chuckled, taking a seat at my other side. 

"I'm doing okay. And yeah, I was crying because of this disgusting medicine ms dugray had me take. It was miserable" I snorted 

"That dick deserves what he got. They wouldn't even let me off the stands until the game was over. I'm so glad you're okay" She ranted clenching her fists. 

Furrowing my eyebrows I looked over to Matt,

"What did you do to him ?"  If ms.alderine got her hands on Magg after hearing about her detention techniques...

"It wasn't me" He defended looking over at Blair who was looking down at her hands and trying to hide her smile. 

"Blair..." I started 

"It was only a little punch to the face. No big deal. It's the least of what he should've gotten after wrecking you and your new hockey stick " She shrugged 

My eyes widened and shot over to Matt who also looked like he was trying not to laugh.

Plopping back on the bed, I ran my hand over my face and groaned,

"You two are a piece of work" 

"hey quinn" ryan andonson suddenly said from the door. 

Matt and Blair stood up and walked out the door, the latter sending me a wink on her way out.

"Sorry about that i shouldn't have distracted you"he said apologetically

"nah it's not your fault", i said sitting up and motioning for him to sit. 

He smiled and sat at the end of my bed,

"How are you doing?" 

"Pretty good, Ms dugray said my wrist should be back to normal in a few days so hopefully I won't miss that many hockey practices." 

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