|54| Disobeying Orders

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She was so very beautiful in the very early morning. The light blue, faint light that entered from the window shined perfectly on her pretty face. She lied there, on the side of his bed that she would usually lie on, dressed in her light blue shirt and her dark blue skirt, ready to be taken away from him. Erwin held her for hours. He did not sleep. Today was the day. He was going to be arrested today and the government would claim the entire Survey Corps as criminals.

Nathalie had to be taken away. It was the only way. She wouldn't leave no matter what he tried. This was the only way and Erwin could only trust one man to do it, and that was Miche and his squad. They were going to take her away while she was still asleep.

Erwin knew he was crossing some lines. He knew this was wrong on a lot of moral levels, but she was important. He kept telling himself that it was only she who could save the world, but that was no longer his excuse.

Erwin sat beside her on the edge of the bed and he cupped her cheek. She wasn't as precious to the world as she was to him. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face. His beautiful girl.

"You're cruel,"

He was. He was both cruel to himself and her. He was a terrible man. She did not deserve it.

Erwin heard a knock on the door, and he stood up. He opened the door to Miche and the members of his squad outside keeping watch, all dressed up in their uniforms, ready to leave.

"Is she asleep?" Miche asked quietly and Erwin nodded letting him in and closing the door behind. Before Erwin could say anything, Miche spoke. "Don't you think you're crossing a few lines here? We're taking her away against her will, man,"

Erwin knew Miche would bring this up. And he was right. They really were crossing some lines. But it was for the best. He just wanted to protect her but she wouldn't let him. It was the only way.

"She has obeyed... every single order I've given her. Every wish, every request," Erwin looked at her sleeping on his bed. "I can't let her disobey this one. They are going to take her and they are going to kill her because she knows more than she should,"

And it was exactly what they had done to his father. He would never let that happen again. He would never lose anyone ever again like that. He wasn't going to make it his fault again. Not like the first time. Never again. She was important not to the world. She was important to him. She was precious. He loved her and if he had to cross the line of consent to keep her away from her self-destructiveness, then he would do it.

She should have never fallen for him.

Miche nodded and he could have sworn, the way Erwin looked at her right now, he had never looked at any other woman in all the years he'd known his friend. Miche placed a hand on Erwin's shoulder, finally earning his attention.

"I'll keep her safe... you have my word," Miche said reassuringly.

Erwin gave him a smile and he nodded at him before Miche picked her up off the bed and he carried her outside. He was going to make sure they take her to the outskirts of Wall Rose. The furthest away, the safest she was. The more she hated him, the better.

But Erwin feared that Nathalie ever hating him was impossible.

This should work. Taking her away was the only way to protect her.


It was in the early evening when Miche and his squad were way out of Trost and nearby Wall Rose. That was the furthest they could take her. The furthest away from the capital, the better. The MPs wouldn't come this far out, even if they claimed the entire Survey Corps as wanted criminals, they wouldn't go this far away from the centre to catch her. At least for a couple of days, she should be safe.

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