Chapter 18 ~ Party

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Stupid dress!
Well, it still fit after two years, but I looked like absolute shit in it. It didn't sit as it did two years ago, and it looked shorter and less stylish for some reason. It's a black dress with some gold accents, not the prettiest dress ever, but I have nothing else. Looking in the mirror I doubted if I should wear this or just attend in my jeans.
Suddenly my head starts to hurt again, and that familiar ring in my ears is back.

'You look ravishing, darling.' 

Am I losing my fucking mind or something?
'Who said that?' I ask, but I'm not sure who I'm asking that question.


The voice sounds distorted, but familiar in some twisted way.
'Quit playing games with me!' I nearly scream, panicking. 

'Oh but I love playing games, especially with you.'

I'm convinced I'm going nuts.
I look at the clock: 9.15
'Fuck, too late.' I mumble to myself.
I make the final touches to my look and race to the elevator.  I push a button with a 10 on it. Luckily there is a mirror in the elevator so I can fix my hair and make-up one last time.

The elevator doors open to an incredibly crowded room. I want to turn around but it's my party, they hosted it for me, so it would be very kind of me to actually attend it. 

'Dracula!' I hear from across the room.

Oh god, here we go

'Hey, Tony!' I smile, genuinely.

'Do you like the party I hosted for you?' He shouts over the music, with a glass of alcohol in his hand. 

'It's a little crowdy but sure.' I answer him. 

'Come on, follow me.' He cheers. 

After a lot of pushing and pulling we reach the others. 

'Hey gorgeous, you look amazing!' Natasha cheers.

'Thanks, Nat! It's the only dress I own to be fair.' I scoffed. 

'You've got to be kidding me! We'll go shopping this week and get you some real dresses because now that you're living with us, with Tony, parties are a weekly event and you can't show up to these parties in the same clothes every time!' She laughs while sipping her drink. 'Come I'll get you a drink.' She pulls me by my arm through the crowd.

My god, it's crowded here

Suddenly Natasha lets go of my arm and disappears into the crowd. I look around to find her. There are so many celebrities here: Colonel James Rhodes, Professor Erik Selvig, Maria Hill, and oh my god is that Pedro Pascal?! I barely have time to freak out before I get pulled by my arm again and make my way through the crowd, to the balcony. 

'Here's your drink.' Natasha says, and hands me what I assume is a Bloody Mary. 'Thanks!' I take the drink from her and take a sip from it. Nope definitely not a Bloody Mary. 'What is this drink?' I laugh. 'Oh it's a French Martini, it's my favorite drink! Do you like it?' She looks at me with a hopeful look. 'Yes, actually I really like it! It tasted a bit weird in the beginning but it's actually really good!' I say in all honesty. She laughs and looks at the New York City sunset. 

I down another 4 glasses of alcoholic drinks without knowing what it is and how much alcohol is in them. 

While Natasha hands me my fifth drink, Thor approaches us. 

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