Chapter 14 ~ Submarine

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All around me shots get fired.
One of them hit Nick Fury.
The soldiers got brainwashed by the man.

'Mr. Fury!' I run over to him. 'Are you okay?!' I panicked and looked at his shoulder, ripping of a part of clothing from a dead soldier to compress it. 'T-the-the Tesseract.' I look around me but the case is nowhere to be seen, so are Loki and his little 'team'. 'They took it with them.' I sighed in disappointment. 'Can you walk, sir?' I asked him as he tries sitting up. 'I have to, don't you think? And I'm shot in my shoulder, not my leg' He said with a small smile. 'Well, let's go then.' I said as I pulled him onto his feet.

'Maria! Do you copy?' I asked her over the walkie talkie. 'Barton has turned and Mr. Fury has been shot!' I yell at her. 'They have the Tesseract! Take them down!' I add.

'Come on, sir, we have to run!' I yell at him. We run, no you can't call that running, we stumbled to the exit, it's pitch black outside, it takes a few seconds before my eyes are adjusted to the darkness. We run off to a meadow.
When we are out of reach from the shooters, we sit down and wait for a bit.

'You can either go with me with the helicopter or you can go to Stark, he will directly go to the gathering place' He looks away to another jet. 'Oh and Y/N? Just call me Nick.' He smiled.

'But how about your shoulder?' I ask him. 'It's only my shoulder, don't worry about me, and agent Hill is on her way to me, so I will be fine.' He said kindly, but clearly in pain.
'I'll go with Tony, Nick.' I smiled. 'However, I'll wait until Maria arrives here.' I say as I see a car driving our direction. When Maria drove of with Nick, I run over to the other jet.

Natasha, who is flying the helicopter, lands in the meadow.

'Hey, Druacula! Hop on board!' Tony gestures.

When we were safe in the air, I saw the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. basis sink into the ground. It was horrible.

'Go.' I hear Steve say.


We arrive at a massive aircraft carrier. And when I say massive I am not joking.

Natasha landed the jet on the ship, allowing everyone to step outside.

'Damn this place is massive!' I gasped.

'I know right!' Natahsa cheered. 'But are you okay, Y/N?' She asks, clealy concerned. 'Oh yes, I'm fine, but they've got Clint.' I said sad. 'I know, but, I know him for a while now, he can do this.' She smiled happy, but with a sad undertone.

Steve and Bruce came and stood next to us.

'Guys, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breath.' Natasha announced.

'Is this is a submarine?' Steve wonders.

'Really? They wanted me in a submerged pressurized metal container?' Bruce complained.

'Just stop whining and get inside guys.' I tell them.

'That's what she said.' Natahsa whispers in my ear. I tried to hold back a laugh, but I failed and instead I snorted like a fucking pig.

'Oh and Bruce, this is no submarine.' Natasha said walking inside.

No, it was the opposite of a submarine, as soon as everyone stepped inside, the ship started... flying. I wachten in awe as we got lifted into the air.

When we finally found the way inside we had to wait about an hour before Nick and Maria showed up. They came flying in a tiny airplane. They immediately got to work.

'We're at lock, sir.' Maria confirmed to Nick.

'Good, let's vanish.' Nick answered.

'Hey, uhm Natahsa, can I talk to you for a second?' You aksed nervous. 'Yeah sweetheard, you always can.' She said. 'Let's get somewhere where not much people are.' She smiled, and we walked to a storage room.

'Eh, okay, where do I start? Uh- I stood there when you guys left, Nick made a joke and Loki didn't like that, so he shot an energy blast, which caused the people form shield to shoot at him, and I think I got nervous and I was about to pass out and then my fingers started tingling and then they started glowing... gold?' I told her but not really knowing what to expect. 'I know the eye-glowing thing but this is new, like the only weird thing that's happened we're my eyes when you shot the robber. And yes I felt some energy running through my veins but I thought it was just adrenaline to be honest.' I add

'That's so cool!' She cheered. Not the reaction I expected to be honest. 'And when your hands were glowing? What did you do with it?' She smiled. 'Well, I made some kind of energy ball? And then I shot it at Loki, I missed of course, but he didn't really like that though.' I look away.

'What happened?' She wonders. 'Well, he noticed who shot at him, and then he stalked towards me and was about to do the mind control-thingy he did at the soldiers. But then Clint shot him and then Loki walked to him with inhuman speed and mind controlled him instead. Nick and I could escape like that. Is there any food around here anyways? I'm hungry.' I say, looking around.

'Yeah over there are some sna-' Natasha got cut off by an agent who told us to come to the main area.

'-cross match, seventy- nine percent.' An agent says to another agent.

'Location?' The other agent says.

'The man standing there is Phil Coulson, one of the highest ranked people within shield.' Natasha whispers.

'Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Königstraße. He's not exactly hiding.' The agent behind the computer announces.

'Dracula, are you coming with us?' Tony wonders. 'We're going to handle him.' He continues confidently.

'Yeah, sure' I smile soft.

'Cool, then suit up.' He says over his shoulder.

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