Chapter 15 ~ Germany

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'So we are going to be quiet the entire flight?' Tony says annoyed. 'Alrighty then, Jarvis play Back in Black, the album, by ACDC.' He orders the artificial intelligence.

'Tony, Y/n still doesn't know how her powers work. Maybe we could try to figure that out, before we land over about an hour?' Natasha advises.

'Oh yeah, excellent idea, Romanoff.' Tony says, turning his head towards me. 'What?' I say breaking the awkward silence. 'Do something with your powers.' Tony mumbles. 'Tony, I don't know how they work, that's like the problem.' I answer. Tony gets up and whispers something in Natasha's ear. Natasha nods and smiles a bit.

'Well that's certain, I didn't get super hearing.' I scoff. After talking about nothing and everything, Natasha suddenly pokes me with a sharp object. 'Why'd you do that?' I look at her with big eyes. 'See! I told you!' Tony suddenly cheers. 'Answer me, please.' I said still in disbelieve. Natasha took her phone out of her pocket and opened the camera, flipped it to the front camera and showed it to me: I just saw myself. 'Ew.' I say as I see myself on the screen, before realising something else. 'Your eyes are glowing again.' Natasha notes. 'Oh damn you're right.' I answer her

'So, technically, it seems that when you are experiencing severe stress, your body puts up some sort of defensive wall to protect you from what is causing the stress.' Tony states. 'So... when we get back to the Stark Tower, we can ask Shuri to help you train with that, and maybe we can train you in a way that you don't even need stress to put up the defensive wall.' He suggests.

'Oh, okay, but did you need to stab me for that?' I mock. 'It was not even stabbing, you're just a drama queen.' Natasha jokes back. 'Ha, Ha.' I say sarcastically.

'Where's Thor?' I say as I'm actually just now noticing he's not with us.

'Oh, after we had to evacuate, a raven flew up to him, delivering him a message that his fater had to speak to him, urgenlty.' Tony explains.

'Oh okay.' I respond.


'Go in stealth mode, Jarvis.' Natasha tells him.

'There he is.' Steve points down to a crowd running away from one person.


As he walks to the forum, he changes his clothes with some sort of magic, to the ones when he appeared out of the cloud, casted by the Tesseract, Plus a horned helmet.

He blasts a police car who was riding right to him.

When the crowd is stuck and had nowhere to run, Loki began to speak:

'Kneel before me.' He orders. No-one moves a muscle, also meaning no-one kneels.

Out of nowhere 4 more Loki's appear and stand around the crowd, grinning with their spears risen.

'I said. KNEEL!!!' He yells. Everyone becomes quiet and kneels in front him. Loki embracing his arms out, smiling.

'Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.'

As we were looking at what happened down there breathless, we see an elder man standing up from the kneeling people.

'Not to men like you.' the old man speaks.

'Psst Capsicle, maybe you should get down there, you know just in case, you know, this situation escalates.' Tony whispers. 'Yup.' He agreed. And with that he jumped out of the plane.

'There are no men like me.' Loki responds proudly.

'There are always men like you.' The old man continues.

'Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example.' Loki continues but he lifts his spear and an energy blast shoots out. But just as it is about to hit the old man, Steve jumped in front of him which caused the energy blast to have a boomerang effect and hit Loki.

'You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.' He spoke.

'The soldier. The man out of time.' Loki teased.

'I'm not the one who's out of time.' Steve hit back.

'Jarvis, disble stealth mode and enable the gun.' Tony ordered.

'Are you scared, Y/n?' Natasha asks carefully. 'A bit, why?' I wondered. 'Your eyes are starting to glow gold again.' She announces. She stood up and walks over to the cockpit. 'Just stay here, Dracula.' Tony tells me.

'Loki, drop the weapon and stand down.' Natahsa orders over the speakers of the plane.

Loki shot an engery blast straight towards the plane but Natasha could dogde it just in time. Which gave Steve the chance to throw his shield towards Loki.

'Romanoff, I'll go down there too, the guy's all over the place! You stay here with Dracula!' He announces. And with that he also jumps out of the plane.

I ran to the window to see what Tony's up to. Steve and Loki stopped their fighting and both look up to see Iron Man, he blasts Loki right to the ground. Tony lands and pulls out all wapenory his Iron Man suit has.

'Make your move, Reindeer Games.' Tony warns.

As quick as his different clothes appeared a few minutes ago, how fast they have dissapeared now. He puts his hands up to surrender.

'Good move.' Tony says and all the wapenory dissapears.

Loki looks up to the plane, looking directly in my eyes. Adranaline rushes through my body and my hands start to tingle again.

'I'm going to land the Quinjet.' Natasha announces. 'We will be taking Loki to the Stark Tower.'

'Wait, so he will have to come with us, in this plane?' I summarize.

'Yes, and we'll lock him up in the Stark Tower.' She explains, not sure if she speaks clear enough.

A/n: I hope you like my story so far!

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