Chapter 17 ~ Lunch

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'Where is he?!' Thor suddenly came bursting in through the elevator during lunch.

'Whoa point break, easy, no need to shout, no need to yell, no need to have a rio-' he gets cut off.

'Loki, where is he?!' He said, still half yelling but calmer than before.

'He's downstairs, locked up.' Tony said, eating his donut.

'What's going on Thor?' I asked him calmly.

'My brother-' he also gets cut off by me.

'He's your brother?!' I ask in surprise.

'Yes, but more like a brother from another mother. He's adopted. But that's not what's important right now. What is going on is that I had to get to Asgard because my father needed me. Why, you might ask? Well because the prisoners were freed, by Odin himself!' He explained in disbelief. 'Odin opened the cells because he was mind controlled and set free all the prisoners!' He scoffs in disbelief.

'Well that sucks.' Tony answers, clearly holding back a laugh.

'Yes it does, unfortunately, one of the most dangerous creatures, a Draugar, got away and is still on the loose. 3 guards died, 5 are injured and in the hospital wing and 2 of them are fighting for their lives.' He explains.

'I'm so sorry, Thor, that sounds horrible.' Natasha answer, shooting a death glare at Tony.

'Do you wanna bring Loki his food? I mean so you can discuss some things with him?' I ask him, not sure if this is the right time.

'Oh that's an amazing idea.' He picks up a plate with a sandwich and walks to the elevator.

'Floor 8, room 6F.' I yell at him.

*third person perspective*

Thor gets out of the elevator on floor 8, walks to Loki's room and knocks on the door.

'Ah, look who decided to say hi.' Loki spoke, not showing himself.

'How?' Thor asks. 'How did you mind control the Allfather?' Thor asks him.

'Where's the girl?' He asks, walking towards Thor.

'What?' Thor asks confused.

'Did I not speak clear enough, you witless oaf? Where. Is. The. Girl?' He made sure he spoke clearly.

'Upstairs with the other Avengers, why?' He wondered.

'I expected her to bring my lunch, but instead you stepped out of that elevator.' Loki rolled his eyes.

'Well I'm sorry to dissapoint you, brother but-' He stops.

'I'm not your brother, I never was!' Loki snaps. Thor sighs quietly.

'Why did you do it?' Thor tries to change the subject.

'Did what brother?' A faint smile playing around his lips.

'Don't play the fool with me.' Thor aswers serious.

'I just wanted a bit of fun.' He says with a grin.

'A bit of fun? Loki you released the most dangerous creatures and killed a handful of guards!' Thor basically yelled.

Loki smirked.

'What is wrong with you, brother?' Thor asks him on the verge of tears.

'Wrong with me? Do you even hear yourself? I was lied to my whole entire life! I was the monster monster parents tell their children about at night! I remeber always being your shadow, the second choice. The person one couldn't care less about, I was the chore, the job, Odin didn't want to do. So, brother, you see what's wrong with me now?' He asks, serious.

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