Chapter 4: Not Alone

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While they were thinking about what to do now. Someone came from the forest nearby and suprised everyone. The one who came out of the forest was none other than The Masked Royal, Kukui's alter ego.

"Woo, I've finally lost them. Time to take off this-" He was looking behind him while walking out from the trees before turning back front to see himself, Burnet and a little boy in his view.

"What!" Both Kukui shouted before standing infront of each other. They first put their hands together, raise their other arm, before making a silly face.

"Geez you two..." Burnet sweat drop at her husband's antics.

"Who are you two?" Asked the Kukui in disguise.

"I'm you, but I guess the right way to put it is that I'm you from another world." Kukui calmly explained.

"I-I see, so you're from another universe?"

" It seems so."

"How are you so calm about this." The other Kukui asked as he was impressed how calm his alternate self was.

"I'm guessing you haven't faced Necrozma, a couple of Ultra Beasts or had an epic battle with the Alolan Champion."

"Alolan Champion!?" Now this was a suprise to him as whenever someone beat a Champion. They didn't really become the new Champion for their region, they became the second Champion in case the first one was busy. One reason they did this was because Red went missing for a long time making Lance taking his place.

The reason why people who beat the league has to have a rematch with the Elite Four again is so they make sure the people who beat them the first time know that there is always someone better out there since they were holding back.

The Champion remain the same until they stepdown or passed their titles on to someone. Alola was a carefree place that they didn't really need a Champion. The Pokémon League in this world goal was to make trainers stronger to help others in need.

Prof. Burnet: The Alola in this world doesn't have a league?

Pasio Kukui: Well we do but the league doesn't make a Champion whenever someone beat all the Elite Four.

Prof. Kukui: Beat all the what!?

"Oh boy, looks like we're gonna be here for a while." Burnet sighed and sat down with her son in her arms watching both grown man discussing about their world.


Near the north of Pasio, the tundra biome with frozen ice caps everywhere. Another family crossed through the portal. This family were the Aethers.

Lillie, Gladion, Lusamine and their recently reunited father of the family, Mohn had arrived on Pasio. Unfortunately, before they entered this world, they were in a middle of a blizzard in the Crown Tundra, they were about to head back to their ship with two new family members while the sky was clear before the storm intensified once like before but worse. The portable tent Lusamine had brought brought was damaged by a wild Pokémon and they were to far from the house that Mohn had stayed to return back there.

It was when they saw the portal before they rush into it. Although there is still a blizzard, it was less harsher than it was on the other side. They found a cave nearby before taking a break to rest up.

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