Chapter 7

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~Third Person P.O.V~

Izuku was currently walking out of UA, since it was late he didn't see Shoka or Katsumi. Instead he looked at his phone to see about 57 missed messages... most of which from Katsumi saying she's gonna fucking wreck him when she gets her hands on him. This made him sweat drop a small bit along with allowing himself to smile slightly. The first few messages were simply 'That huge ass beam was you wasn't it?' However he hadn't replied to that due to passing out so instead she started sending threats, telling him that he better be ok or she'll kick his ass.

He gasped as he realized he hadn't told Vegeta the situation yet, a simply push of an empty message button was enough for Izuku to see Vegeta for about half a second before teleporting to his planet.


Vegeta: "Hmph, of course you had to spend yourself by destroying that zero pointer."

Izuku chuckled lightly as he looked at his open palm, closing it before looking at Vegeta.

Izuku: "I plan to confront my family one last time before taking my stuff and leaving, I'm ashamed to ask but-"

Vegeta cut him short and threw over a key to Izuku who just had a perplexed face.

Vegeta: "My place on Earth, an abandoned building called Capsule Corp. If you use that key then you'll be given access to everything."

If this was the old Izuku, he would of cried. However he had changed, instead he just smirked and nodded.

Vegeta: "By the way, your father is the top hero right?"

Izuku looked at him as if he was an idiot before simply nodding. Vegeta then sighed as he walked in front of Izuku and spoke.

Vegeta: "If he happens to try to keep you by force then what is your plan?"

Izuku: "Ah... umm... Hakai?"

Before Izuku got another word out, Vegeta chopped his shoulder which sent him into the floor and even cracking it a little.

Vegeta: "If you're down after that then how are you going to Hakai him before he downs you?"

Izuku stayed face down on the floor while he thought for a moment, soon however he began to stand back up and looked Vegeta in the eyes.

Izuku: "I'm going to need to spend a day or so here."


It was night the next day and Izuku was currently stood in front of the houses door with Shoka and Katsumi. He reached towards the door handle and his hand was shaking.

Katsumi: "You took down a zero pointer and you're really shitting yourself over this?!"

While it seemed mean spirited, it was her way of trying to give Izuku confidence. Meanwhile Shoka gave a more direct approach. She held his hand to make it stop shaking before speaking.

Shoka: "We'll be here as well. However you have to go in there on your own, it's not our place to do anything."

He took in a deep breath before looking at them and nodding. Instead of knocking on the door, he instead boot kicked it down. The first to check the commotion was Izumi, her hair was floating upwards slightly due to her quirk... however it turned off when she saw Izuku.

Izumi: "Izu...!"

She said, this disgusted Izuku as he just started to walk past her as If she didn't exist. Just as he was about to go up the stairs she put a hand on his shoulder before speaking.

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