Chapter 5

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~Third Person P.O.V~

The day after the Sludge Villain incident.

Currently Izuku was sleeping in Katsumi's house, he shared the bed with Katsumi and Shoka (who called her dad saying she was training with the strong explosive girl) and was in the middle of the two. Even though this story is about our green haired male, Shoka woke up first, she was on the right side of Izuku and felt his right arm throbbing and pulsating every few seconds.

The veins pushed out against the skin quite heavily and oddly enough they seemed to be a dark shade of purple all the way to his elbow, at that point they slowly turned into a lighter shade of purple before being their normal colour at his shoulder. She gasped in surprise, the stoic and monotone girl who rarely showed emotion... she gasped in surprise at this. Curiously, she poked the artery at his wrist but the moment she did all she heard was a scream of pain from Izuku while he rapidly sat up. This of course woke Katsumi up in the process.


Shoka knew Katsumi sometimes got erratic when threatened so she wasted no time getting to the point.

Shoka: "Check Izu's right arm. Specifically the forearm."

Hearing her second most favorite voice (behind Izuku of course) she nodded while Izuku also looked... both of them in complete shock as Izuku spoke.

Izuku: "How the hell did this happen...?"

While the two of them wondered, Shoka had a lightbulb go off in her head as she spoke.

Shoka: "Since you got your quirk late, perhaps it is a backlash of a move so powerful?"

Before Izuku could reply, he put his left hand to his forehead and instantly pulled it away... he was burning up extremely hard. Needing an answer from Vegeta, he needed to get Katsumi and Shoka away from him for a moment.

Izuku: "Sorry bout this.. but could you two go shopping for some medicine please? I'll pay you back."

Katsumi just laughed as Shoka remained neutral.

Katsumi: "No sweat, however we both no you don't earn money. No need to pay us back anyways."

Shoka: "We know you'd do the same for us."

They said before leaving, letting out a sigh of relief, Izuku pulled out his phone with his left hand and messaged Vegeta the word 'emergency'. The moment he did, Vegeta appeared in front of Izuku and sighed seeing the state of him and his arm.

Vegeta: "I thought I told you not to use Hakai until AT LEAST we finished your training. You are not a God of Destruction and you only unlocked destruction five months ago."

Izuku: "Oh... is that what it is then?"

Vegeta crouched down and took a close look at Izuku's arm before speaking.

Vegeta: "Basically, it's a mix of a few main things. The first is that you outputted so much more ki and energy then you normally do that you seemed to actually shatter the bones in your arm. However I imagine in the mix of your adrenaline and happiness of seeing your women that you didn't notice. The next thing is that this is a godly technique, without god ki it is a flawed move, taking a long time to do so which leads to reason three. You outputted destruction in your right hand, but also held your wrist hard and put all the destruction energy from your left hand into your wrist which has in turn started to destroy your blood cells and even some of your arteries. Be glad that you have higher pain endurance or you would still be screaming."

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