Memories pt.3

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Hunter shot up from the cold ground with a gasp, his breathing irregular,

He called out to the dark room


He screamed out, but no response was given.He decided to take a moment to study the new surroundings, hoping they were more cheerful then the last but he was unfortunately wrong. The ground was cold damp, a drain sat in the middle of the room. Soft singing could be heard echoing through where ever he was.Hunter jumped as a gasp sounded from next to him, what he assumed was Luz, until,
"Mama I'm done I can't go on"
What sounded like (Y/n) voice spoke next to him, panting heavily. He tried to make (Y/n) out in the darkness but he couldn't see anything but the drain just below him,

"Don't be silly dear, you're doing so good, keep going"

The sickly voice of his mother rang out, making Hunter cringe. Usually a voice like that, so sweet, like it was dripping with honey, would make Hunter smile but this woman just rubbed him the wrong way. (Y/n) could barely speak through the panting, "it hurts mama, please it hurts" he managed to get out, "I wanna stop"
Hunter could hear weird sounds coming from in front of him, they made him cringe even more, as cracks and almost wet noises sounded from where he assumed (Y/n) was standing,

"I DoNt wAnNa DoO tHis MAmA"

Fear shot through Hunter at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice, it sounded so dark, so contorted. Every fiber in his being told him to run at the very sound of it, but the pain. The pain in his friends voice made his heart contort in ways it never has before. He wanted to pull (Y/n) close in that moment, he wanted to hold his friend and tell him everything was okay. He wanted to be warped up in your arms again, with his hand running through your mangled hair. He wanted to be back in that moment he was so embarrassed to talk about, so embarrassed that he risked hurting you. He never realized how much you'd already been hurt, how much you've already went through, and he selfishly put you through that again.

"Oh dear you're fine, just let it happen"
That voice once again spoke over the sounds of your pain,

"It burns"

The room went quiet, deafeningly quiet

It felt like hours passed by in what was only a minute when a click sounded and the dark room was filled with light. Hunter looked behind him to see Luz, standing next to what looked like a switch, and when he looked back he was mortified.


A giant red figure stood before him, warping and contorting continuously. It's skin seemed to boil as it screamed out in pain, it's voice a deep and blood curdling volume. Three different faces seemed to painfully fight against each other on the head of the creature, before splitting off each with their own dog ears and snouts

"Wait.. this isn't supposed to happen"

The sweet voice spoke, the creature grew even more. More cracks sounded out as it's leg bent back in an uncomfortable position,
"You're supposed to be an Angel"
It said, seeming angry as it's creation took form before it. Smoke fell off of the creature, much like when (Y/n)'s arm had transformed before, and it wasn't long before the entire roomed was filled with smoke, blocking Hunter and Luz's vision of their friends final form,


Water fell from the roof and just like that the two friends were back in front of the dogs, almost embarrassed looks on their faces,


Maze said, looking down at the two expectantly,

"What is he?"

Luz asked, a frightened look on her face. Tears threatened to pour out the edges of her eyes,

"I'm afraid we're not aloud to say"

"and why not" Luz questioned with the most aggression I'd ever heard in her voice, "Why can't we know what the hell is going on with out friend"


Maze questioned, "you think of us as a friend" Brian rolled his eyes, not believing it for a second, "you really expect us to believe you, you're just a scared little human"

"No" Hunter finally spoke, a level of sincerity that was rarely seen out of the boy apparent on his face, "(y/n), at the end of the day is our friend, he's someone I've come to care for and no matter what I plan to stand by him monster or not" Maze looks on sadly as Brian speaks up once more, "he's a hideous beast"

"all I see is a scared boy"

"Then you're blind"

a different much darker voice spoke.

looking up the group saw a giant, three headed dog. It's fur a sleek black void, its teeth, that is borne at the group, a sickening yellow. Brilliant flames danced across its fur, coiling around its scaly, snake like tail before coming to a stop at the tip of it.

"We are a beast, a monster"

It spoke piercing through the two teens with its hallowed gaze. Those eyes that have seen so much, those eyes that Hunter couldn't help but get lost in. The eyes of Cerberus, the demon dog of hell

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