Here he comes

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Arts not mine but look at him, look at that cute little sad boy.
Okay back to your regularly scheduled program

You were not good at this. You'd managed to ask Hunter where you could get food but it wasn't till he'd led you to a food vendor that you found out,
you looked at Hunter with you head tilted slightly. He was visibly frustrated, and though he'd tired to wave over his friend for help she decided she'd rather watch from afar, "what do you mean 'what's money'" he quoted you, his palisman watching you curiously, "I've never met anyone named Money before, do I get food from them"
He was dumb founded. He'd never met anyone who didn't know what money was, were you raised under a rock, "jeez did your parents not teach you anything" he huffed as you titled your head once again, "parents.. You know.. The people that take care of you and teach you stuff.. Their supposed to do this kind of stuff"
Parents... Did he mean Belos. Belos didn't really teach you anything, and he definitely didn't take care of you, but he did provide everything that you need up until now. You weren't sure, Belos might get mad if you mention him to a stranger so it's best you lie, "I don't have any of those" Hunter seemed taken aback at this. It's not like not having parents was rare, his parents weren't around anymore, but this person seemed to not even understand the concept. You had no understanding of the real world and it was clear to anyone who saw you, "do you have a place to stay, like a home?" he asked now concerned for your safety, "home? I don't know what that is, but I have the swamp if that's what you mean" you smiled, feeling a sense of pride that you finally understood something he was talking about," a swamp! " he shouted and it was then Luz finally decided to make her appearance, "hello, I'm Luz"
Luz had run up with a worried look on her face, grabbing ahold of Hunters arm, "(Y/n)" you smiled sticking your hand out and shaking the poor girls hand roughly, "could you please wait right here, Hunter and I need to talk for a moment" she smiled lightly before yanking Hunter away leaving you with your tail wagging happily,

"We have to keep him"
Luz spoke as soon as she was out of ear shock, "he's not a dog, you can't just pick him up an decide he's yours" Hunter glared at the girl before eyeing the boy they were talking about, "though be resembles one" Luz huffed at this and grabbed ahold of Hunters neck, forcing his head in the wolf boys direction, "come on look at him, no home, no family, he needs us" Hunter looked at the you and smirked ever so slightly when you caught a glimpse of the two of them and waved with a smile, "how can you say no to the cute face" Luz added to sweeten it just a bit more, "what is Eda gonna say, I mean it's her house" Hunter looked down to Luz, "she kept you I'm sure another wild animal wouldn't be any harm" Luz smirked and then ran in your direction before Hunter could blow up on the girl.

Your tail wagged happily as you looked around at everything, though you couldn't tame the nervous feeling that was still bubbling up with being outside, "Good news (Y/n)" Luz ran up to you with a huge smile, Hunter hot on her tail, "we're adopting you!" she shouted, throwing an arm around you, "wow wow wow, who said anything about adopting we're just letting him live with us" Hunter waved his hands around, "oh do you want him to be something more~" Luz said with a sly smirk, "wh- I no no I didn't say that"

"Umm, what's adopting?"


Before you knew what was happening Luz and Hunter(mostly Luz) had swept you away form the hustle and bustle of the city and down a wooded path. Luz had also taken the liberty of explaining adoption to you, as well as a few other things, "so pets are little people that you just keep" you asked with your head tilted, Hunter who was ahead of you both groaned slightly, "no not necessarily, animals don't think like we do. Well some do but not all of them, and so you can keep them as a pets if they like you enough" Luz smiled at her explanation," and animals are other living things?" Luz nodded at your question, "am I a pet?" Luz laughed a little at this, thinking it was a joke, before gasping as you neared a house, "here it is, your new home!"
Before you was a beautiful structure, at least in your eyes. True it was a little beat up, but compared to where you were before it was like amazing. It was almost as if stars shown in your eyes as you looked at the home with a wide smile, and the boy next to you could see it. Hunter had admired you for only a moment when you turned to him with the biggest smile, "do you stay here?" you asked excitedly, "I uh yeah, I do.." a blush spread across his face when, "man, I'm really glad I went out for food today" you smiled as you ran after Luz with you tail wagging Hunter sitting there for a moment before letting out a frustrated huff.

"This is my room, that's Eda's, King's,Hunter's, and thiiiis" Luz smiled happily as she gave you the grand tour. To some it might not seem like much, but to you it was a wonderland. A day out to get food turned into a rollercoaster. You had completely forgotten about your deal with Belos, he was the last thing on your mind actually. Though you had always been easily distracted, "is your room"
Luz opened a door and it was, "the storage closet.." Hunter said with sight, "you can't expect him to sleep in here it's crowded with junk" Luz turned around with her hands on her hips, "then where do you think he should sleep" Hunter scratched his chin for a moment in thought, "well he can't stay in your room, you'd kick him out to much to have your 'study sessions' with Amity" he paused in thought as Luz looked at him in shock, "how do you know about that" Hunter ignored her as he thought a little more, "King would keep him up all night with his sleep talking so he could just stay in my room" Hunter regretted that sentence the moment it fell out of his mouth. Luz looked at him with a sly smirk on her face, "I think that's a good idea" she said putting an arm around you again, "looks like your rooming with Hunter!" she said leading you back to said boys room, "wait I no.... She's not listening" Hunter said defeated. Luz led you to his room and placed you in the middle, Hunter right behind you two, "I'll go get my old sleeping bag, you can use it till we can get you a bed" she said, leaving you an Hunter in the room alone, "what's a sleeping bag?" you asked to which Hunter let out a groan, "You really don't know anything do you?" he sighed as he leaned against his bed, "no not really, I've never had the chance to learn much" you said casually, your tail still wagging as you looked at everything, "then what do you know?"


Your tail stopped wagging immediately, and your ears laid flat on your head. Hunter took notice of this, the whole time you'd been so bubbly and happy, the sudden mood changed seemed off, "I'm back!"
And once again you were back. Just like a puppy seeing their owner you tail began to wag and you ears shot up once Luz walked in the door with the sleeping bag, "I brought the bag and some some blankets, in case you get cold. Now we just gotta introduce you to Eda" she said happily setting the things down in a corner, right across from Hunters bed, "come on let's go down stairs and get some food, Eda will be home soon and she'll like you better if you give her something to eat first"
You an Luz were off, but Hunter couldn't help but stay behind for a moment. The way you acted when he asked that, it was like he flipped a switch. It was weird, frightening even. The way your mood just changed so suddenly from happy to... Well to whatever that was, it was almost sad. He couldn't help but wonder what made you react that way, what did you know that made you so,
"Hunter! You coming?"
He'd have to dwell on it more another time.

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