An adventure

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Buckle up boys girls and everyone outside the binarys cause this is gonna be a biggin


Five weeks.
It felt like no time at all but before you knew it you'd stayed at the owl house for five whole weeks. It was exciting but also slightly exhausting for someone who hasn't seen another living thing in six years. You really couldn't complain though. Everyone was so welcoming and nice, you especially loved watching Luz and Hunter go back and forth about different subjects. Luz had also grown a habit of petting your tail when you sat close by, which let to them ultimately discovering how easily you were lulled to sleep. A photo of you sleeping while holding on tightly to a unfortunate Hooty now hung nicely in the Hall. Your favorite part, you had to admit, was right before bed early night when it was just you and Hunter. For some reason when the two of you were alone Hunter just opened up so much more. He talked to you and simple every day things, but yet they were so important to you. Someone would think he was telling you the most interesting stories in the world, when really he just told you what his favorite food was and stuff like that,
"What is this place?"
Right now though was not one of these moments, right now Luz had decided to take you somewhere new, leaving Hunter at home to study, "the Library, it's where you get books from. Amity also happens to work here" Luz told you as you both walked from section to section, "we're doing a moonlight conjuring tonight so I thought we could pick up Amity, and get you some books to read" she said as we neared the cutest little play room. The sight of all the children made you smile a little. By no means were you good with kids but when seeing such happy creatures you just couldn't keep a smile off your face, " Amity!" Luz waved the purple haired girl over, "hey guys, I'm almost done just let me clean up and we can go" She smiled and blushed a little as Luz kissed her cheek before looking back to me, "you wanna look for you a book while we wait, they have tons of stuff here!" Luz began to jump in excitement as she led me along.
You both walked down a few isles and Luz was just talking away, something caught your eye though. The isle didn't look like all the others, the books seemed.... Lively. It was almost as if they were about to jump off the shelves and run off. You were curious, you wondered and so without a sound you walked over to the isle. Each book was a different shade, and no two covers were alike. There was a plethora of different names too, they were confusing and hard to read honestly. You were just about to leave when you saw something, sometimes familiar.
'Beast and beginnings'
Is what the spine read, in a rather plain looking font. It looked out of place in this section, part of you thought that somebody might have put it here by mistake but the title, "beasts..." you spoke out loud an you dragged your finger along the dusty spine, "... Like.. Me?"

You jumped as Luz called your name, sticking her head out from around the corner, "there you are, you find anything?"


You, Amity, and Luz walked along the road, your book held tightly against you chest. Luz had a goofy smile on her face as she walked with her hand in Amity's, Amity like wise. You, we'll you were just happy to be there and your tail wagged all the same. As you neared the lovely owl house Hooty greeted you all, mostly you,
"Hey, (N/n)"
You waved at him happily, running up to the owl demon, "I got a book!" you said happily as you ran inside, Luz and Amity closed behind. Gus and Willow were already here and Hunter was seated on the couch reading his own book. You were running joyfully around everyone, spinning in circles as you held your book in the air, "I have a bookkkkk!" you said before running up to Hunter to show him, "I've got a book!" you spoke in whisper as you leaned in close over the arm of the couch, "uhh, yeah.." he said, a blush growing on his face at the close proximity of your faces, "YEAHHH!" you shouted before running upstairs to put your book on your sleeping bag, "I guess we don't have to worry about him falling asleep during the Moonlight Conjuring!" Willow laughed as Luz closed the front door, "Yeah, anddd Eda is not gonna be home till late. She's on a date with Raine and said we could do what ever as long as we didn't flip the house upside down" Luz said triumphantly," so you're gonna flip the house upside down" Hunter said sarcastically," correction WE" Luz smirked,
" and if I say no? "

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