just look at him

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Today was a day like no other, a day that you dreaded more then anyother.

Bath day.

A truly wretched day, one that made you regret your whole existence. It's not that you hated water, but you hated water. You hated water with a boiling passion, so much so that you refused to let it hit you skin for as long as possible. That's why you now stood, fully clothed and running from Luz who held a bucket of water. She'd set up a tub for you outside, in hope that if she could get you into it that you'd just except your fate and wash yourself. But once you saw the tub you made a break for it and refused to get near Luz, "come on (Y/n) your starting to smell!" Luz shouted, "your gonna get sick if you don't take care of yourself!" she tried but with no luck, "I don't care, I'll never touch water! NEVER!" you shouted, hiding behind a tree. Hooty had been watching happily and King had already given up on trying to help but Hunter, he was starting to get irritated. Hunter didn't even know what was going on, all he knew was that all the yelling was distracting him from his studying. He'd made his way outside and was not pleased by the sight in front of him. Somehow Luz had dropped the water bucket on King and soaked him so she resorted to trying to force you in the tub, obviously with your strength though that wasn't working. Holding onto you from behind, Luz was doing her best to pull you off the tree which you held tight onto, "Hunter! Finally, help me get (Y/n) in the bath!" she shouted, raising a brow he finally spoke up, "if you take a bath Luz and I will stay here with you and then I'll take you out into town and get you whatever food you want"


And just like that you let go of the tree, you an Luz both falling to the ground as you stopped pulling against her, "finally, thank you Hunter. Now (Y/n) go put this on an come back out so you can take a bath" Luz said, handing you some swim trunks and watching as you walked back into the house. Hunter walked over to the tub with Luz to wait for you, Luz smirking over at Hunter,"so, how are you and him doing? " Hunter blushed slightly, his pointed ear down turning," we're just friends, nothing more" he said, looking away," you know it's okay to like him, I mean you do spend a lot of time together I'd be shocked if you didn't" Luz said, but Hunter just turned away,"I'm back guys"

That's was unexpected
Standing in front of the two teens was you, shirtless, and covered in scars. You had so many scars on your arms, and legs, and torso it looked painful to say the least. Hunter was even shocked by the amount of scars, and he himself had many,
"You ready (Y/n)?"
Luz asked, not saying much about the scars but Hunter just stood there. He wanted to know where you scars came from, but he was also trying his hardest not to stare at your slightly toned chest. You were by no means buff, but the muscle you had was still.... Well attractive to most, and that included Hunter, ".... Okay, I can do this I can do this" Hunter was knocked out of his daze as he noticed you were now right next to him, hyping yourself up for getting in the water. Your ears were flat against your head and your tail wrapped itself around one of your legs, and with a deep breath you slowly stepped in. Hunter had to keep himself from laughing at the sight of your face, doing his best to also cover the heavy blush as Luz handed him shampoo and you body wash. You clutched it tightly, having sat down in the water now, but you jumped forward towards the two in slight fear, "wait! You'll both stay here right? I don't wanna be alone in the water!" you said grabbing ahold of Hunters arm. Hunters blush had definitely increased, and the boy could do nothing but nod at your fearful eyes. How scared were you of the water? That question would have to wait with the many, right now they just had to make sure you didn't run off before you were fully cleaned, "don't worry, we'll both stay right here with you" Luz said with a smile, and so you began to wash yourself. You were talking with the two as you washed your hair when, "ahhhh, It burnsss!" you yelled, getting some soap in your eye, "oh boy, here let me help" Hunter said leaning in to help get it out of your eyes, "ow ow ow ow owww" you wined as he poured a bit of water over your eyes to get out the soap. After a moment you finally opened your red teary eyes, and it was at this moment did Hunter realize how close you both were, "thank you Hunter!" you smiled at him, said boy jerking back. Unfortunately enough for Hunter though he slipped, falling into the tub and on top of you. Luz could be heard laughing in the background as Hunter, just like when you first met, hovered over you with a large blush. This time though you were shirtless, and wet, and a lot closer to his face seeing as you were trying to keep your head off the ground and above water, "I'm so so sorry" Hunter said as he got on his knees, taking notice now of the metal bands still around your wrist, "hey what are-"


"That one is going up in the hall"
Luz said, looking down at the picture she'd just took on her scroll phone, "hey I should post it on critter!" she said  making Hunter jumped up to try and snatch the phone, "Luz don't you dare!" 
And you just chuckled, laughing at your friends as they messed around.

So yeah
Funny story
I wrote this the other day and thought I published it with a note saying I wouldn't be able to post this week munch and well
As you can tell
I forgot to post it
So here it is, being posted on a Friday instead of Monday like I intended sorry guys but here's your food

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