Like a puppy

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Hunter was...

Flustered to say the least.

While after comforting him you'd moved back to your own bed, and covered him up as well, he was still shocked by his actions. Never had he cried in front of someone, especially someone he'd just met, and it was embarrassing. He couldn't even make eye contact with you when you'd woken up. Though he did catch a glance at your messy bed head and the way your ears flopped to the side.

You were all downstairs, Luz and Hunter already in their school uniforms, "cereal cereal here I come~" Luz sang as she poured a bowl for all of you. You of course still in your pajamas looked at the two students weirdly, "what are you both wearing?" Luz looked up at your with excitement as she passed you and Hunter your bowls, "do you like them? They're our school uniforms that we wear at hexside" she said proudly," they look kinda dumb" you stated blankly. Hunter had to keep himself form laughing at Luz's saddened state," you didn't have to be so blunt" she pouted," I do remembered you tell me about school though, do I have to wear one of those uniforms? " you asked, Eda walking in and hearing you," unfortunately not, I still have to enroll you which I can't do till tomorrow and even then you won't be able to start till after the up coming break" she said gathering her things," but I'm sure King and Hooty can keep you company while we're all gone" she finished with a half hearted smile," hoot we can make scrap books" yelled the bug demon from outside," sorry (Y/n), I'd stay but I don't wanna miss any school" she said, and Hunter nodded his head in agreement. Though he mostly just didn't wanna talk about last night, he already felt awkward enough.

Begrudgingly you nodded your head, though you couldn't hide the way your ear flopped to the side and your shoulders dropped, "come on it won't be that bad, I used to stay coped up here all the time you'll find something to do" Luz said trying to cheer you up, to which you just nodded again and walked and began eating your food.

Before you knew it Luz and Hunter had head off to school, and Eda had gone to where ever it was she was going. You were left with a very talkative Hooty.

"You did what!"
A wide eyed Gus shrieked as he sat in front of Hunter and Luz, the rest of their friend group had similar faces, "we kinda sorta found a demon and adopted him. He's super sweet though, and he'll be starting school here after the break! " Luz said happily, Hunter standing next to her not so enthusiastic," where did you even find him? " Willow asked with a raised brow," well I kinda pushed Hunter into him in an attempt to make them fall in love, but then they started talk and he was so confused and he had no idea what anything was. So we took the liberty of taking him in, though I still hold out hope for a bubbling romance" she said to which Hunter glared at her,"nothing is gonna happen Luz" Amity shook her head and looked back at Luz," are you sure he's not some con artist? " she asked," 100% you guys gotta meet okay, he's as sweet as can be like a little puppy" Hunter rolled his eyes again," I'm pretty sure he is one"

"And then Amity said, 'will you go out with me' and Luz was all like.."
For the past few hours, after making the most adorable sock puppets, Hooty had been telling all kinds of stuff that he's done. From fighting flaming bees, to make Lumity cannon, and you were all for it. You were a sucker for attention, especially after being deprived of it for so long an this demon was more then happy to give it. Your tail thumped against the floor you were sitting on happily, ears stood high as you listened intently to his story, "... And then they held hands, and I was crying everywhere! It was beautiful!" you sighed happily as the story came to an end," that sounds beautiful, I'm so glad to have met you! " you said with a big smile. You really were happy to have met these people, maybe it was the dog in you but you already loved everybody here and you weren't shy about it either," really! Thank you, I have so much more I can tell you about  just you wait we're gonna be best friends! "
"(Y/n) we're home!"
This made you gasp and jump up, your tail somehow beginning to wag even faster then before. Followed closely by Hooty you ran to the door and greeted Hunter and Luz with a big smiled, "Yay! You guys were gone forever" you said but stopped for a moment when you saw unfamiliar faces, "oh, by the way (Y/n)! I want you to meet some people. This is Amity, Willow, and Gus the friends I told you about"
For a moment you just sat there looking at them, studying them closely before your tail began wagging again, "Yay! New people!" you said throwing your hands up and running up to them immediately grabbing ahold of Willow's and Gus' had and shaking them roughly. Both they and the others sweat dropped at this, "he really is just like a puppy huh" Amity said before she yelped you began to shake her hand to, "nice greetings to you all!" you said happily before jumping backwards so that they'd all have some room, "let's go up to my room, we can all play some games so we can get to know you" Luz suggested to which you agreed happily running upstairs with your arms spread out, Hunters palisman hot on you tail, "He sure is lively" Willow spoke up as they followed behind, "imagine sharing a room with him" Hunter said, blushing at the memory of last night. It had been on his mind all day, and he was dreading the possibility of a repeat, "oh come on, you like him and you know it" Luz said, poking at his side, "I surely do not"
"Do to"
"Do not"
"Do to"
"Do not!"
"Do to!"
"Okay that's enough of that"
Amity finally cut in, grabbing Luz's hand and dragging her upstairs. Luz turned around though and stuck her tongue out at the boy who did it right back.

In Luz's room every sat in a circle, save you who had been places in the middle with your tail just a wagging. Luz had a playful smirk on her face and she thought of a game they could play, "okay (Y/n), we're all gonna go around and ask you a question. If your to uncomfortable to answer you can skip but if you do answer you have to be 100% truthful okay?"
She asked to which you nodded
"Okay, ready"

Sorry this chapter is so short, it's late and I had to do a lot more then I thought I would today. But I got this out and I'll do my best to get another one out tomorrow after band practice.
Bye bye!

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