Not an abomination...

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Yelled a powerful voice, her freckled face contorting in to something much more gruesome
"He isn't even straight though!"

Where do you even start with this one?

Well I guess we should start with her.

"Hey guys!"
A cheery voice spoke across the room, and everyone immediately noticed a very unwanted transfer student, "Heyy, Bria your.... Here.."
Gus said awkwardly though a slight blush was noticeable on his face, "yep! I'm loving hexside so far, I'm glad I transfered" she said happily, though she looked mostly to Hunter," me too! Maybe we could study sometime, or uh.... Bria? "

This was awkward... Very awkward
Bria was currently standing over you, with a disgusted look on her face, "what's this thing?" she asked with a displeased tone, "that's my abomination project" Hunter quickly said, going to place the lid over you when Bria grabbed the tip of one of your ears. This would be fine of course if your ears weren't so sensitive, and if she wasn't squeezing as hard as she could. Your jaw clenched and you shut your eyed tightly, the others just looked on in confusion, "what did you model this thing after? A dog? It sure does look like a mutt" she said with smirk letting go of your ear, "hey don't talk about.... It" Luz went to stand up in your defense, quickly realizing her mistake, "uuhh yeah... Hehe" she laughed awkwardly before sitting back down next to Amity, "man way to go and shit on my hard work, I thought it was cute" Hunter said with furrowed brows, "cute? This...thing! No I don't think so" Bria said, glaring down at you and storming off," what the hell just happened? " Amity questioned a she watched the girl retreat,
" I have no idea"

The rest of the day was no where near as enjoyable, everywhere you looked Bria was there. She would randomly come up and start talking to Hunter, she would glare at you, pinch you, she every threw stuff at you when Hunter wasn't looking. You were honestly threw with it, with the help of your silver bands you had a good grip on you anger but this girl was pushing it. Even right now you sat in class, her talking Hunter ear off while he sat with a bored expression and you sat to the side out of mind, "I have to use the restroom I'll be back" Hunter said, using it as an excuse to get away from the chatter box for a moment,

"I know your not an abomination"


"I can smell it on you"


"I don't know what you are, I've never seen anything like you but I know this"

Her face morphed slowly, red spots popping up on her face as well as a pair of fluffy ears sprouting out the side of her head. She blinked once, and when her eyes opened again they where a bright green,
You whispered you ears going flat against your head,
"Yep, and if you say anything I will drain you of all your magic! Now listen, I've had my eye on Hunter since day one, and I finally have my chance to get him. He is mine and I refuse to let anyone else have him, so if you get in my way I'll do to you exactly what I did to that green haired kid. Do you understand?"
You didn't know what else to do! What did she do before! You'd been kept with the basilisks by Emperor Belos for a short time but you knew what they were capable of,
Her face morphed back to what it was before, her smile spreading across her face once more,
"I'm back"

What do you do in a situation like this. A basilisk has a crush on your friend, and is hurting everyone that is close to him. Your little bit of knowledge on the outside world was no where near enough to handle a situation like this. You didn't even know how to make toast, what were you supposed to do. You couldn't just tell someone, then Bria would just hurt them and you. If you told Hunter, would she hurt him?
"You okay?"
You jumped as Hunter leaned down to whisper to you. You were in one of the last classes, and you'd refused to even make eye contact with him the whole time so Hunter was a little worried, "I..."
You began but cut yourself off, shrinking into the pot of abomination remains, "what's going on (Y/n)?" he whispered with furrowed brows to which you just shook your head. He huffed and looked down for a moment, "whelp here goes nothing.."
Before you knew what was happening Hunter roughly slammed the lid of the pot on your head, forcing you all the way into it and leaving you in the dark. You could hear shouting from outside the pot and Hunter panicking, "My abomination is acting up I'm sorry" he said in a worried tone, "well take that thing to the abomination professor, have him deal with it" a voice, who your assuming is the teacher, spoke, "yes sir!"
After a bit of movement Hunter lifted the lid off the pot and looked down at you with a smirk, "and that's how you get out of class, now what's wrong?" he asked once again now that you were both in the hall and away from prying eyes, "it's nothing really!" you shook your head, refusing to make eye contact, "I did not just skip class for nothing what's going on, you've been jumpy since last class"
Bria... You kept thinking of what she said.
"I finally have my chance to get him"

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