"So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Persephone asked.

"Not much to be honest, just hang out with Angelina and the others," I answered. "What about you?"

"Sometimes I hang out with Angelina and a few other Ravenclaws or study in the library," Persephone replied.

"That's cool. So, you got a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" I asked.

"Um, I've got a boyfriend, what about you?" Persephone answered and asked.

"Well, I'm not in a relationship with anyone but I do have a date tomorrow," I answered.

"Oh yeah, I think Angelina mentioned something about that. She's super excited about it for you," Persephone replied.

"Of course she is..." I chuckled.

I fiddled with the strap of my book bag.

"Do you think you could maybe... help me decide on what to wear tomorrow?" I asked. "The guy isn't telling me anything about the state other than I should wear a skirt or a dress and it's outside."

"Well, it's mid-April so it's nice out like all the time so you don't need to worry about keeping warm. I'd go with a dress, they suit spring better," Persephone answered.

"Hm, thanks for that. Did you want to come with me to the library?" I offered. "I was there doing my homework before I head over here."

"Yeah, of course!" Persephone accepted.

I smiled as we left McGonagall's office and headed to the library. On our way to the library, we bumped into Fred and George.

"Hey, boys, what are you two up to today?" I asked.

"Oh y'know, the usual planning pranks," Fred answered.

"By the way, has dreamboat Diggory mentioned anything about your little date tomorrow?" George asked.

"I'm not telling you anything about it, I know you two well enough to know that you guys are gonna be little shits if I do," I answered.

"Wait, you're going on a date with Cedric Diggory tomorrow?" Persephone asked.

"Yeah, I was surprised he asked me out honestly," I chuckled.

"Damn girl, already preparing to get yourself a rich husband," Persephone said.

I burst out laughing.

"A bit early to be talking about marriage, Persephone," I replied. "Anyways, let's get to the library before you accidentally spill any information about the date."

Persephone and I continued to the library, Fred and George following behind.

"Come on, y/n, tell us!" Fred said.

"We're not planning anything, I swear!" George added.

"Bullshit," I laughed.

We entered the library and Cedric, Lee, Valentina, and Angelina were still at the table talking. We walked over and before I could sit next to Cedric, Fred squeezed in and sat next to him. I sighed and climbed over the back of the booth seat and sat in my original seat. Persephone sat across from me, next to Angelina, and George sat between Fred and Persephone.

"Lee, Val, Ced, meet Persephone, my new study buddy and one of Angie's Ravenclaw friends." I introduced.

"Hello," Persephone said.

Everyone greeted Persephone with a smile.

"So, Diggory, what do you have planned for tomorrow?" Fred asked.

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