Chapter 9 - Blackjack

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Scarlett lead Olive out of the room, leaving the rest alone in her office.
"Well that was awkward. Three of us had the same opinion yet the only one who disagreed won the argument.", Theo said in defeat.

"How about we go and look what they're up to? This woman is taking a 14 year old away to the world of gambling, I don't think that'll end well.", Fin suggested.

With no idea of how the casino is arranged, they left Scarlett's office.
The place was packed with people, not really amusing to any of them.

Theo spotted Scarlett and Olive at a table, both drinking sparkling water out of fancy glasses. Fin, Max and Theo approached them, asking why they left so suddenly. They just laughed it off and continued talking.

"Here's my idea - You play a game of Blackjack with me and we'll see how alike we are.", Max proposed.
"With alike you mean tactic-wise?", Scarlett asked, looking up to Max.

"Bet.", they said, sitting down in front of Scarlett. The young woman then called a dealer, who stood next to their table and started shuffling the cards. The dealer arranged a six-deck game, then the twins placed their bets. The said dealer, who was apparently acquainted with Scarlett started his ritual and the game began.


Time passed. The two were at it, playing Blackjack for two hours, the clock now striking 00:30 AM. The last sets of cards were on the table, tension in the atmosphere. A few people have crowded around them, curious about who was gonna win. Scarlett turned her last card around and the victor was decided.

Max, who was looking down at their cards, now looked up to Scarlett.
"That game was amazing! You're literally a genius in Blackjack. We should definitely play again some time!", They exclaimed, looking happier than ever, even though they just lost quite a bunch of money.

"You think so too? I've got to admit, you're not half bad yourself. I promise to pay you back the money, hehe.", Scarlett chuckled, then ordered the dealer to tidy up the table.

"I think it's time for us to be leaving,", Fin declared, "Our mother will be home in the morning. She'll murder us if we're not there. Besides, everyone's getting tired, I'm surprised that you're not fatigued at all after all that card and gambling stuff.

"Can I go with you? I'd be delighted to meet my biological parents. Well, if they want to see me.", Scarlett asked.
"Sure. You can sit in the passenger seat, the others will have to squish themselves in the back.", Max said, sticking out their tongue at Olive, Fin and Theo, who were drowsy by now.


Max and Scarlett got in the car first, then the rest did. Fin sat at the right window, Theo sat in the middle, and Olive on the left.

"Aren't you a bit young to be driving a car?" Scarlett asked Max, gazing around the interior of the car.
"Shh, you're gonna blow my cover." Max mimicked Scarlett's phrase from earlier. They both cracked up laughing.

"I'm familiar with this type of car. I'm assuming it's 'borrowed'?", Scarlett guessed, slightly smiling at her twin.
"Yeah, 'borrowed' from a friend.", Max answered before vaguely turning up the radio.

Not long after they started driving, Theo fell asleep. The boy was exhausted from all the action, he wasn't used to so much happening at once. He unconsciously tipped over, his head now resting on Fin's shoulder. This startled Fin a little, but he accepted it, moved Theo into a more comfortable position and wrapped one of his arms around him.

Little did he know, Max observed those actions in the rear-view mirror, faintly smiling before concentrating on the road again.


yeah max returned the car to their friend but they had to clean it in exchange lol
635 words let's gooooo
please correct me if I've done something wrong at the blackjack part

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