Info Page - Theo 🧪

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(pic creds to fish)

Full name: Theo Wilson
Nickname(s): Chipmunk
Age: 15
Birthday: August 25th
Height: 5'5" (165cm)
Siblings: None

Theo is a confident young man born into a family of aristocrats. He has no siblings, which makes him the pride and joy of the family. But this also carries heavy burdens with it. One day he will inherit the family house and all the valuables his family possesses. His parents always tell him, that he must be the very best in his grade to be worthy of inheriting their legacy. That pressures Theo a lot, often resulting in him spending nights studying without any breaks. This on the other hand results in Theo attending school looking rather sleepy at times, worrying his friends and classmates.
Back when Theo was younger, his parents and guardians never let him leave the vicinity, the only "outside world" he knew was his garden. That never seemed to bother him at that time though, since he had the court's dog to play with. That was until said dog passed away. Theo still secretly keeps the collar she wore. The pendant hanging from a red coloured leather has the name "Baloo" carved into a bone-shaped disk of gold.
One time, when Theo's parents let him visit the nearby playground, he met a few other children around his age and made friends for the first time in his life.
Now, that he's older, his parents understand that he wants to see the world on his own. They let him out of the house whenever he pleases, but only after he announces his departure.
In his spare time away from books and studies, Theo enjoys painting. He himself says: "Everything is possible on a canvas." This is one of few hobbies his parents approve of. They hang his paintings up in the corridor for everyone to see just how sophisticated and high developed their son is.


Theo's Opinions

"She is quite the energetic type. Usually joking around with Max, which doesn't always end nicely. She's that type of person, who will purposely not dry her hands after washing them, and splash the water in your face when you least expect it. I don't dislike her because of that though, she's still my go-to-person when the teacher wants us to pick a partner during a project in science."

"Rather reserved kind of guy, very handsome though. He enjoys playing the guitar a bunch, I watch him sometimes, often longer than I'm supposed to. I don't mind though. I like spending time with him in private, although sometimes it feels a little.. How do I explain... Tense? When we're alone. I also get a really weird feeling in those moments. It's telling me to walk away but also telling me that I'm supposed to stay where I am and stare, watch him do whatever he's doing. It's weird, I don't like talking about it."

"Seems like such a sweet person but is actually the devil in disguise. I can't even count the amount of stupid pranks they've pulled on me. It's like I'm their victim. I can't believe I keep falling for every one of them too! Now that I think about it, I'm quite naive and not proud of it. The one's they do with Olive are the worst ones of all. With Max' idiotic ideas and Olive's surprising smarts, they're close to unstoppable. You better watch out if you see them discussing anything in private, you might be the next to fall for one of their tricks."

"I know people say that twins are different from each other personality wise, but apart from looks, Scarlett has absolutely NOTHING in common with Max. Her and Max are complete opposites. If they didn't look so similar, you wouldn't be able to tell that they're related at all. I don't know much about her but she doesn't seem very serious about her job or her life situation. She's just casual I guess."


Likes: Friends, Fin, Science, Sci-Fi movies, Oranges, Showers

Dislikes: Cherries, School (sometimes), long car rides, Slugs, Rain

Favourite animal: Tiger, Dog

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