Chapter 8 - Scarlett Incognito

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Who was this woman?
She had shoulder-length hair, the colour was the same as.. Max'?
Her eyes were brown, and she even seemed to have similar facial features to Max.
Could it be..
No, it couldn't. There's no way.

When Fin, Olive, Max and Theo were inside, they took a look at their surroundings.

Everything seemed so expensive. The roof was golden, reflecting everything else in the room. The carpet was maroon red with slight golden shimmers in it.

"Wait, who are you?", Fin asked.
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scarlett Montclair, the CO-Owner of this Casino. I recently found out that I'm Max' twin and Fin's sister as well.", she said, slightly smiling but looking nervous at the same time.

Scarlett Montclair, 16 (she/her)

"So it was you.. How come I didn't know about you sooner? Like, 16 years ago maybe?", Max said, smiling slightly.

"Well, I got to know that we were separated when we were around two years old, shortly after Fin was born. But anyways, I'm glad I got to reunite with you two. I see you've brought friends as well?", Scarlett asked, looking at the rest of the group.

"I'm Theo, and that's Olive. Nice to meet you, Miss Scarlett.", Theo said with a slight smile.
"Wait, if you're Max' twin, doesn't that mean you're 16 too? How come you look like an adult already? And how in the world did you manage to become the CO-Owner of a CASINO?!", Olive questioned.

"SHHHH, not so loud, somebody's gonna hear you! You're gonna blow my cover!!", Scarlett whisper-shouted while dragging everyone in a room next-door, that room seeming to be her office.

"Okay so- Let me explain. I was raised in an orphanage, haha, don't call me an orphan, you'll regret it.", she clarified.
Olive and Max, who were sitting next to each other, tried their very best to not burst out laughing in that very moment, and failed.

Scarlett looked at them in irritation, with a cold stare.
"Would you please refrain from that? Thank you.", she said, before once again explaining how she grew up.


"So you faked your identity to get a job? That's stupid. Who knows what could happen to you if you let your guard down? One of these days someone could find out about your true identity and before you know it, you've lost your job. I's that easy.", Max remarked.

"You have no where else to be, right? So if you lose your job, you'll be all on your own with nowhere else to go.", Fin added.
"I'm afraid I'll have to agree with them.", Theo acknowledged.

"I don't care what you three say, a lady gets things done on her own. She doesn't need help. With her looks, she could pull anyone she wanted. And she's got the smarts too. If she didn't, then how could she have managed to get herself a job this easily?", Olive argued.

The room was silent after that.

"See? At least she agrees with me. Come on, kid, let's get you something to drink.", Scarlett said, leading Olive out of the room.


I cba to write more be happy with 530 words

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