Chapter 2 - Dripping with Finesse

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Everyone packed their things, and so did Fin. Still thinking about the eye contact him and Theo made earlier.
Why was he still thinking of it? It's a normal thing to do, right? So why couldn't he get it out of his head?

Fin left the classroom later than everyone else. He was confused, bewildered, unclear and disoriented, yet he still made it to the bus.

On the bus, Fin played his playlist on shuffle.


As Fin got off the bus, it suddenly started raining slightly.

Then more.

Then even more.

Then it was pouring.

He sprinted home, hoping, he wouldn't get too wet. But alas, what he feared came true.
Once he arrived at his house door, he was drenched.

The door opened, and what awaited Fin, was a huge scolding.


Now in front of Fin was Max, his older sibling, telling him off about not taking an umbrella with him.
"Are you serious? You didn't even take a look at the weather report? Look at you, you're soaked wet. God, just- come in already."
Max was obviously irritated by Fin's careless actions.

"Go change your clothes and come back, I have to tell you something." they ordered.
Dropping his school bag, Fin made his way to the bathroom to dry off.


"Where are my glasses?"
Fresh and dried off, Fin left the bathroom and entered the living area, casting about for his glasses.

"Looking for these?"
Fin turned his head. In a rather relaxed and comfortable position, with an earnest look on their face was Max, with Fin's glasses in hand.

"Didn't I tell you to wear these more often? You didn't even take them with you today." they said, looking quite upset.
"You know I barely ever wear them when I'm at school." Fin responded, unamused. Max tossed Fin the glasses, then started talking.

"Anyways, what I was gonna say was,
I invited Olive and Theo over today. Mainly for studying purposes but also because it's been a while since we all hung out." Max said calmly while Fin sat down beside them.

"WHAT?" Fin exclaimed.
"Is there something wrong with them coming over? I thought it'd be kind since you literally never invite people over.", Max explained.

"Yeah, fine, whatever. When are they coming?", Fin questioned.
"Soon, I think. Anytime now." Max calmly said.

"Well I be damned." Fin thought before the doorbell rang.


max 😍😍😍😍

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