Info Page - Fin 🎸

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(pic and character creds to fish)

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(pic and character creds to fish)

Full name: Fin Hunter Montclair
Nickname(s): -
Age: 15
Birthday: June 6th
Height: 6'0"
Siblings: 2

Fin’s personality is shortly described as lazy, sweet and awkward by friends. He was born a slacker for everything except music since it’s the only thing that interests him. He owns an electric guitar and has known how to play the piano since he was little. He is obsessed with unique bands such as TDCC and Vampire Weekend, avoiding reality whilst focusing on the rhythm of the tunes he listens to. He secretly jams out in his room and preforms to himself when it’s just him and his sibling in the house. He often offers to play for Max when he’s satisfied with how his songs turn out but they are always uninterested since they dislike Fin’s taste in music. Fin is usually late for school due to sleeping in (though he sleeps early) unless his mate Noel forces him awake. He purposely doesn’t do good in school unless it’s music or English. He doesn’t have a liking towards maths or science.
Fin’s hobbies other than his music obsession is studying space/astrology since it has always fascinated him and used to want to be an astronaut till his fear of heights developed. Another thing he enjoys is going on holiday since it’s a break from being stuck inside his house and uses it as a chance to write more music without school getting in the way. He and his siblings bond more away from the house since they can't hide from eachother.
Fin is known to be a tight lipped person to ones he doesn’t know but to his family and friends he’s a social butterfly. He only shares his passion to certain people giving him the label of “quiet” at school since his whole personality revolves around music. Fin used to get tormented everytime other parts of his family came over his house about the way he looked which is the main reason he completely changed his appearance. The other reason is because it made him look straight 👍 Everytime someone brings up other parts of his family he avoids the conversation quickly.  He dreams to be on any sort of stage preforming to individuals like himself or others to present a different type of music.
(credits: fish)

Fin's Opinions

“Olive and I have a love hate relationship. Her overreactions and dramatic comments make my ears ache, it’s as if she could make her own TV show called "Olive Complaints"- Although,, she is supportive of my performances.”

“I don’t know what it is about him but he makes me weirdly happy, even when he’s in the same room as me and completely blanking me. He’s the only person that would sit and observe my music for hours on end without getting bored. If I wasn’t so awkward I think I would ask to see him everyday.”

“What am I supposed to say? They’re my older sibling, I can’t really leave genuine comments about how I genuinely feel about them. That’s weird but we honestly get on well. They don’t praise my work as much as I want them to but it’s whatever.”

“Everyone has some sort of disliking for her but I honestly don’t mind her at all. I personally think she’s quite similar to Max in certain ways but literally everyone judges me for saying that.”


Likes: Music, Forests, Cycling, Birds, Bears, Capri-Suns, Guitars, writing music, Rollercoasters, going on holiday, Scruffy shoes, any shade of green, wearing old-fashioned clothes

Dislikes: anything blackcurrant flavoured, Sushi, Pepperoni, Star Wars, Butterflies, Lightning

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