Chapter 3 - Nostalgic Assembly

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"I'll get it.", Max called out before opening the door excitedly. Theo and Olive came together, standing outside under a red and white umbrella. Max quickly lead them inside offering both of them hot chocolate.

Meanwhile, Fin was nowhere to be found. In fact, they he was in his room, hiding and hoping, Max wouldn't call them downstairs.


"Where's this idiot off hiding again...", Max complained.
"How about we send Theo to look for him?" Olive suggested.
"What? Why me?", Theo asked, confused on why Olive chose specifically him to look for Fin.

"Oh, come on, don't think I didn't see you two looking at each other when you were helping him out in chemistry class.", Olive teased.

"Huh? Fine, I guess I'll go look for him then...", Theo accepted with a slight blush on his face, making his way upstairs to look for Fin.

"So, what exactly is up with that thing in chemistry class?" Max asked Olive curiously.
"I'll tell you about that in a second. Now give me my hot chocolate." Olive ordered.


"Fin? Are you there?"
Theo has been looking for Fin for a while now, with no success. Suddenly, the door in front of him rapidly opened, revealing a slightly sweating Fin, with a forced smile on his face.

"HI.", Fin said anxiously, still keeping up that wide smile.
"Hey. Um, are you okay? Actually, don't answer that. We've been looking for you. Come on, we're having hot chocolate!", Theo explained before grabbing Fin's wrist, dragging him down the stairs.

"Look who I found!", Theo exclaimed excitedly.
"Ah, yes. Just in time." Max spoke, finally satisfied.

The four of them had a comfy nostalgic evening, doing the things they enjoyed the most once more.


"Look at the time!", Olive gasped, realising, that it's already half past eight.
"Well, we won't make it back before dark now, that's for sure." Theo reports.
"If you want, you can just stay over, like old times.", Max suggested.

They all split up into rooms -
Olive slept in the living room, on the couch, Max slept in their room and Theo and Fin slept in Fin's room.

Later that night Fin was close to falling asleep until he noticed a rather bright light illuminating the room. It seemed to be coming from his desk on the other side of the room.

That specific light came from Theo's phone's flashlight. He seemed to be completing the homework he didn't get to finish today.

"You know it's Friday, right?", Fin spoke up.
Theo jumped at the sudden sound of Fin's voice behind him but decided to answer anyway.
"Yes, I'm aware. I still feel like if I don't finish it now, I'll forget about it and have nothing to hand in on Monday. You know I always do my homework.", Theo answered, concentrating on his work once again.

Fin got off the bed and sat down next to Theo who was close to being done with his work.
"So, could you kinda tutor me in chemistry sometime? You're really good at it. If you don't have time though, that's okay I-" Fin was cut off by Theo.

"Sure, I'll tutor you. I think I'm free next Tuesday, can we meet up here at your house again?", Theo replied before Fin could finish his sentence.

Theo then put his pen down and closed his books, just to make eye contact with Fin.
This time, it was longer - a little over a minute until Theo's gaze fell on his hands.
"Um, can I maybe go get something to drink? I haven't really drank much today.", His voice became deeper and more serious that usual.

Fin snapped back into reality.
"Oh, yeah, go ahead." he said whilst watching Theo leave the room.

don't correct me if I made a mistake I'm half asleep while finishing this
626 words or something

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