Chap 4

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3rd pov

Error ran out of the room, he was ashamed of the fact everyone knew he was sick. Ink and the others couldn't move, the film had been paused and the green moss was in full view. Sci wondered what type of illness could cause moss of all things to grow out of bones, he had heard of something similar happening to the flowerfell frisk, flowers would grow on her each time she reset, the poor child ended up dying. He wondered if it was the same with error but error being a god, couldn't die, or get sick normally so it was a new illness that nobody knew about, scratch that error must know about it.

Most of the sanses went back to their aus in shock, a sans used by strange red strings to destroy aus, said sans sick with an unknown and possibly lethal illness ? They were shocked.

Ink decides to go after error, blue dream and nightmare's gang following suit, the heard more then they saw error fall down the staircase of the star's base. Once there they could see error had a big linear fracture looking like gaster's, moss had already started growing. Error warned them not to touch it.

Time skip

Error pov

After I healed the fracture, leaving an invisible scar, I had to explain to the others, I wasn't about to tell them where the illness come from, I would just tell them the basics of it.

E - The infected (in this case me) will grow moss from any wound, the moss has to be cut and stored to be properly disposed of, or it could infect someone else.If it is not cut or taken off somehow, it will continue to grow, making bigger patches of moss.

I - it doesn't seems that bad if the only thing it does is growing moss from wounds.

E - After some time, mushrooms will start growing, depending on your magic type, the mushrooms will be different. The mushrooms will release spores to infect nearby people. The thing is, you cannot cut the mushrooms, it will cause unbearable pain, no matter how high your pain tolerance is.

I - I take it back it's horrible.

E - The moss and mushrooms will start creeping toward your soul, then it will infect it, you first will have the urge to find crowded placed, where it would be easy to infect people, the second stage is what I call soul crystallization, as It says your soul will form Cristal of magic ressembling minerals found in the earth to feed the moss and mushrooms, then deeshrooms will grow out of your soul, you will loose your magic, little by little, and at the final stage you will be barely kept alive, to provide sustenance to the mushrooms and become a host for the deeshrooms.

At first I used shroomshris but I decided to make my own little creatures so I can reuse the disease in my other books.
Shroomshris are a mix of cat spider and mushrooms while my deeshrooms are a mix of deer and mushrooms, I will make a chapter to explain about them next with different types of deeshrooms.
I still need a name for this illness.

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