Chap 1

441 26 4

Invented sickness (please don't copy)

3rd pov

Error is a ruthless destroyer.
He destroyed worlds , deaf to the pleas and cries of his victims. He is a soulless being that neede to be put down.

That's what ink say.

If you asked nightmare's gang in the other hand, you would learn that error is a peacfull being that hated violence, he is the ''mom'' of the group to a point even nightmare call him mom. He has full reign over the castle and the gardens, they would tell you he is the best cook ever, and describe him a a kind, caring, soft, gentle person with a calming aura that got even nightmare to go passive most of the time. They would tell you he act a lot like a cat too, you could find him napping anywhere as long as it was warm. The anti-void being below freezing temperature, error was naturally drawn to anything remotely warm.
But one thing that no one knew was that error was sick, with a illness unknown to even the codes of the multiverse. Error knew all about the sickness, because, just like that sickness......

8-5  23-1-19  14-15-20  6-18-15-13  20-8-9-19  13-21-12-20-9-22-5-18-19-5.

(key to the code : 1=a 2=b  good luck ^_^)

Error woke up in his room in the castle, bruises covering his body as usual. He went downstairs to make his boys their favourite breakfast, as he was putti g the plates in place he noticed moss on his arm. He sighed and went to the bathroom, he grabbed razors and carefully shaved the toxic green colored moss, putting it in a jar before wrapping his arms in bandages, he did it on his whole body, making sure no moss could be seen on his bones. He heard his boys go downstairs for breakfast and joined them.

E - mornin' everyone
C - morning ma!
D/K- sup mom
N - good morning mom.
E - so today's chores are : killer, please clean the windows on the second floor.
K - yes ma!
E - thank you sweetheart, cross can you and X go get groceries? We're getting short on meat and vegetable.
X - hay hay captain'
E - good thanks to you two now night.....

Once error gave everyone their chores for the day he went to the gardens, despite popular belief, night didn't destroy the tree of feelings, and he might have hated the villagers but dreamtale was still his home, hence why they were living there. It was dream's old castle, error had changed it with the codes for nightmare. He trimmed the bushes around the tree, cleaned and weeded put the paths, cleaned the fountains and took care of his flower patches. He spotted killer on the second floor, struggling to clean a big window, on the porch nightmare, in his passive form was hanging the laundry to dry. Horror was taking care of the animals in the farm in the village down the hill the castle was on, and dust was probably cleaning inside as he asked, he could see X had taken cross's body to go get groceries in thge market Au. He knew he needed to destroy soon but first he had to go to sleep.

sleepwalking destroyer (fgod) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz