Chapter 61

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Ranboo POV

~ Time skip to Thursday, 7 AM ~

My eyes shot open... we had school today. I looked at Tommy and he was cuddling into my chest.

He is adorable.

I didn't want to wake him up, but at the same time I didn't want us to be late...

Eh, it is just a few minutes, plus he is so adorable.

I ran my fingers trough his hair and he hugged me tighter.

He then started to wake up and sleepily asked me "What time is it?"

"About 7." I replied

He yawned and slowly got up. Then we heard Wilbur yell "BREAKFAST IS READY!"

He yelled it so loud that I am sure the entire apartment building heard him yelling.

~ Time skip ~

We ate and Wilbur drove us to school. Everybody was being noisy as fuck and I couldn't hear what Tommy was trying to say.

We went to our first period, and honestly it was pretty boring. So I decided to well- uh- entertain myself a bit.

We were at the back of the classroom in a spot which usually you won't even be able to see.

I went down to Tommy's lips and kissed him, but he immediately cut me off "Nope, we are not making out in the classroom."

"A-" I said but he cut me off yet again, "Nope- we aren't making out anywhere on campus."

"And how about the-" I said and once again he cut me off "We can go to the allium valley at lunch, but I am afraid you will have to wait like six periods until then."

I groaned and took him in my arms. 

I mean hey - at least I get to hold Tommy.

The class finished and we headed for our next period, but then we heard someone talking over the intercom "A reminder that this Saturday to next Saturday there will be a mandatory camp."

Does that mean that I pretty much will get like half of the day to all day, to be with Tommy and have se- I mean make out, duh...

"Ranboo, will you go to the camp with me?" Tommy asked

Jesus that sounds like he is asking me out for prom or something.

"Yes, love." I replied

~ Time skip ~

The last 3 periods before lunch that we had weren't with each other and it drove me literally crazy. I got out of my last one and I saw Tommy running down the hallway to me.

"Can we go to the allium valley now?" he asked


We got out of campus and started heading towards the valley, during the entire time he wanted to hold my hand and shit, which hey, I am not complaining about.

We got into the valley and he immediately brought me on top of him.

I leaned in and started kissing him, his lips were warm and a slight bit moist, and damn were they enjoyable.

I bit his bottom lip and he immediately moaned into it and parted his lips. My tongue went in and started exploring his mouth.

Eventually we parted for breath, both of us were breathing heavily. I licked my lips clean and used my sleeve to wipe the saliva off of his lips.

He sat in my lap, facing me and put his head on my shoulder.

~ Time skip ~

We got back to the campus and we had the rest periods together.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wrote it on my phone in the bus. Anyways- hope you enjoyed and see yall tomorrow.

Double Sided ~ Tomboo ~Where stories live. Discover now