Chapter 46

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TW: Implied homophobia

Tommy POV

"Tommy, can you tell me what happened to you in conversion therapy?" he asked me

I explained to him what they did to me...

"Tommy I am so sorry-" he said and hugged me tighter

I felt so safe in his arms...

- Meanwhile -

Emily POV

I was looking for Ranboo. I heard that Tommy broke up with him, so I think it is about time I start using my manipulation techniques.

But he is nowhere to be seen?...

I walked up to Veronica and asked her "Have you seen Ranboo?"

"Stop trying, you won't break them up and karma is going to catch up with you eventually." she replied

"I am doing nothing wrong!" I yelled

"Yeah, yeah... sure." she said and walked away

Out of literally everyone, why did I choose her as my best friend?

~ Time skip to after school ~

Tommy POV

I wasn't sure if I should go home because of my mom...

Ranboo told me that it is better to not go home and that it would be probably better to talk to Wilbur about what happened.

My mom was going to pick me up any moment now and I am kind of thinking about running away from her... somewhere where she can't find me.

But to where?

Gosh, I need to think about it-

I saw my mom pull up in the school driveway and I entered her car...

"So, how was school?" my mom asked

"Erm- it was okay." I replied

"You haven't talked to Ranboo, have you?" she asked

"No." I lied

"I don't believe you." she said

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and tysm for all the support on the book! See y'all in the next one!

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