Chapter 5

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Ranboo POV

~ Time skip to 8:00 ~

My alarm went off and I realised that it was Saturday. I quickly checked Discord to see if anyone was online and I saw that both Tommy and Tubbo were online. They were already in call and I joined the VC.

"Hi Ranboo!" Tommy said excited

"Hi! I joined to see if y'all had any plans for today." I replied

"We decided to go to an amusement park, do you want to come?" Tubbo asked.

"I am in, which amusement park are we going to?" I asked

"We wanted to go to this one amusement park called 'Fright Factory'." Tommy answered

I quickly asked "Alright, what time?" and Tubbo answered "10:10 perhaps?"

"Sure!" Tommy said

"See y'all there then!" I said and left the VC

I am honestly surprised that Tommy and Tubbo decided to go to a scary-themed amusement park. They both don't really like spooky stuff, so honestly it is unusual for them to pick Fright Factory which is one of the scariest theme parks in the country.

I quickly got to my closet, picked some clothes, showered, and left. I went to the bus stop and took the bus to the amusement park.

~ Time skip to 10:03 ~

I got off the bus and saw them waiting for me.

"Hey Ranboo!" Tommy greeted me.

"Hi!" I said.

"We should probably get going, there is a lot of stuff to explore." Tubbo said as he started walking towards the entrance and we followed him

I saw that the line was incredibly long, like miles long probably. We got into the line and started waiting.

A few minutes passed and some girl in a uniform came up to me and asked "Are you all waiting for the amusement park?" to which I nodded

She winked at me and said "If you give me your phone number I can let you and your friends go trough the priority queue."

I looked at the queue and it was miles long so I didn't want to wait all day. Guess I have to take one for the team. I looked at Tommy and Tubbo and then looked back at her.

"Okay, sure." I said and she took out her phone

I could feel Tommy's jealousy stare burn trough my skin.

I proceeded to say my phone number and then she said "Follow me."

We got into the priority queue and almost instantly got inside the park, she then waved at me and said "I will call you."

Honestly, whatever. I can block her so it doesn't really matter.

The three of us walked into a horror house called "Crooked House".

It looked like kind of a maze, we started making our way through and then heard some screeching noises. I felt Tommy hug my shoulder and I felt myself blushing.

We continued walking and then heard some chainsaw noises, and suddenly we got jump scared. As we got jump scared I looked back at Tommy and saw him hiding his head in my shoulders, shaking. I just wrapped my arms around him and tried to comfort him. I saw that Tubbo was pretty much ready to fight for his life.

We finally got out of Crooked House and then proceeded to walk down the path.

We all three sat on a bench not saying anything and then Tubbo said "That was intense, I am never going to that horror house again."

"What was the name of it again?" Tubbo asked and I said "Crooked house."

"Yeah, I am never going back to it. Ever." Tubbo said.

"Me neither." Tommy said as he got up

Tommy POV

I wanted to just go home, but I wanted to spend time with Ranboo, so I guess I had to stay.

I am sorry for the smaller chapter, I have some stuff to sort IRL. I am currently preparing to post new chapters actually every day. Anyways see y'all in the next chapter!

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