Chapter 18

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TW: Angst 

Ranboo POV

I didn't want to loose Tommy... he is my world...

"I- I am sorry Ranboo..." he said

"You shouldn't apologize, you did nothing wrong." I said and wiped his tears away

"But I did." he said "I am not good enough for you and I deserve better, you should find someone who has a better life, who would never have so much issues like me, who would never have issues... I don't want to hurt you by dragging you into all my issues with my mom, mean girls at school, so I should let you go."

These words felt like a knife cut through my heart...

I grabbed his face "Tommy, listen to me. I have never been happier before I met you. I will be truly happy to be with you, no matter what. I I promised you that and I will keep my promise. I just want you."

He started crying again and then he smiled "I love you so much, Ranboo."

Sorry for the short chapter, I have been revising for my science exams so I didn't have enough time. See y'all in the next one!

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