2: Now

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9 years later, June, 2017

I am on the way on the coffee shop where I am working part-time. Yes, I am surviving on my own. After the incident, I found a letter of my mom with an attached credit card inside my cabinet stuck between my clothes.

Hi Mika, if mama is not there anymore to guide you, here is the bank password of my card. It has lots of money which is enough for you to survive. XXX XXX XXXX

- Mama

I used the money to my school fees, daily needs and a small apartment where I can settle. The money in the card was close to running out so I decided to work while studying hard. So far, I am the top student in our school and I already graduated high school as the class valedictorian. However, it wasn't fun. I was always bullied and discriminated at the school. Even though I have good grades, my reputation isn't enough to make me new friends. I was the quiet, introvert girl you can find at the corner of the room with hoods up. I didn't bother interacting with anyone unless it's required.

I entered the coffee shop and I saw my boss, Mr. Kim. "Good morning Mika, congratulations on your graduation, and may I ask if where are you going for college?" Shit where will I go to college?

"Good morning to you Sir. I'm still not sure where but I have a scholarship so it won't be hard to enter a high university" I replied back.

"You know there is actually a university near here. My son will also enter college there. It's quite pricy but you have a scholarship so it won't be hard to enter it." He added.

"Ohh okay I will look up into it, what is its name?"

"Sim Universities."

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