The End

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I took a deep breath and stood on top of the stairs. It was surprisingly not secure, no one was in sight, except for this "antidote". I took it off from the stool and all the lights went on. In the blink of an eye, all the scientists in the stand are looking at me, even the phantoms. I heard footsteps behind me and saw the monster himself, Nelson Syphus.

"Congratulations. After all, you are not weak." He said, patting me in the back. Asshole.

I looked at the bottom of the steps, but Matthias was gone, he was nowhere to be seen.

"You are now free. This liquid will free you from all the pain." Yeah right.

I took the cap off and looked at the liquid, this could've been someone in my place, but why me? I drank the liquid and felt myself drop to the ground. The floor was moving, I looked around me and saw everything was spinning.

"I should've told you the side effects. You will forget all of this exists."

"Think of it. Like a dream that you live through, but no one believes you. After all, it just happened in your head."

No no no. I can't forget about this. I can't forget the people I met.

I can't forget!

I can't forget..

I can't... forget..

I can't..

I just can't forget...

"Freja, you've been looking at the screen for fifteen minutes, dude. You need to take a break."

"I'm fine. I just can't forget about this thing! This is important!"

"I.." my friend sighs. "Okay. We're going to be late at the party. Let's move."

I groaned and picked up my bag and the gift we got.

"Fine. But I'll drive!" I said, grabbing the car keys.

"Oh god. I'm going to need more than one seatbelt." My friend said.

"Hey! I'm not a bad driver!"

"You almost hit a tree and another tree in the span of five minutes. Not to mention you almost launch us at the glass on how hard you press the break."

I stop at my track and look at her for a second.

"Okay I might be a bad driver."

We both laughed and she snatched the keys from my hand. I just followed her and we drove off.

You may be asking: "What happened after you passed out?"

Well... it was not a pleasant thing that I can say.

Let me recap.

I woke up in a white room, a figure sitting in the corner of the room. I heard a beep beside me and saw a monitor. I tried to sit up, but pain shot through my body, causing me to groan in pain. The figure heard the noise and whipped their head in my direction.

"You're awake.." a woman's voice said.

The figure pulled down the hood they were wearing and I never thought I would see her face again.


"What the hell? How did I end up here?" I asked, attempting to sit, but gave up at the second try.

"After you pass out, I rush to the room and pick you up. I couldn't leave you there. Someone tried to set the building on fire, including another Syntec location. Wes and I rush you to this hospital." She explained. She gently grabbed my arm and helped me sit up.

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