Third Game

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Wesley looked at Deborah, but Deborah didn't even hesitate to answer. "The next game is about.."

"The game is about surviving different kinds of chemicals."

Now that's not a fun game isn't it?

"So more serums injected to us?"

"Not really. You are the one making the chemical. I suggest not mixing the blue and yellow chemicals. They tend to not do well on a human's blood." He explained. Note, keep away from blue and yellow chemicals. Got it.

"What are we supposed to make then?"

"Nelson wanted the subjects to make an antidote." Wesley answered. Deborah looked shocked. "Wait wait wait. Nelson wanted us to make antidotes? What's the point if having Deb then? She can make antidotes or other chemicals, why us?!"

"He wanted most people to be gone before the final game. He wanted 48 people at the end of the next game."

"But there's 400 of us left!!" I screamed. 400 people going down 48? That is nuts!

"I know. You need to focus on surviving. And keeping the three subjects safe." Deborah said, putting her hand on top of mine. Tears slowly fell down my face, I dropped my head down and silently cried. "I don't want to do this anymore, Deborah. I want to go home." I plead. "Please! Just let me go home." Deborah looked at me and slowly shook her head. Wesley grabbed my hand and said "I'm so sorry that you have to be put through this."

The two comforted me for a while, and I knew I had to get back to the white room. "Deborah.. just give it to me." I said, accepting what's going to happen to me next. She grabbed the injection from her desk and injected it to me.

"You will get out of here soon, Freja."

"Remember to breathe."

"Welcome to the third game!"

At this point, all of my emotions have disappeared. I tuned out the footage once again and focused on my thoughts. These people in here don't even know what's going to happen to them. Only 48 people are going to be left here, and the rest will be taken as a lab rat. I wanted to shout it out, but I knew better to not scare all these people and give myself out to the phantoms.

"Your time has started."

Everyone started to frantically grab chemicals and mix them together. Myself on the other hand is trying to not burst into tears.

"Freja you need to do something." A voice beside me said. I looked to my side and saw Nathan, focusing on mixing the chemicals. I noticed that he put the yellow chemical in his mixture. I wanted to stop him, but I didn't want to give myself out. I took a deep breath and started to mix some chemicals. I avoided the yellow and blue chemicals. I saw people handing it to a phantom and the phantom injecting the chemical to the person. Some of them fell to the ground, some started coughing and puking. I looked at Nathan and saw him finished.

"You want to go at the same time?" I asked. He smiled at me and nodded.

He grabbed my hand and we both walked to a phantom. I let go of Nathan and made him inject the chemicals first. I smiled at Nathan one last time and he got injected by the chemicals he mixed. Nothing happened at first, but then he dropped to the ground and started breathing heavily. I silently cry as I watch him get dragged away from me. Without hesitation, I walked up to the phantom and injected myself with the chemicals I mixed. I waited for a reaction.

Nothing happened.

The phantom walked up to me and grabbed the empty injection out of my hand and escorted me outside. And once again, I am back at Deborah's office.

".. I can't do this anymore. I can't watch people be dragged away and hear their screams and their pleas... I'm done.. I just.. Please let me out." I started sobbing. Deborah came up to me and gave me a hug. I slowly hug back and continue to sob on her lab coat. I felt bad ruining her lab coat, but I'm exhausted. Both physically and mentally. "How can I keep going, Deborah? I lost two people. Two! I don't even know them that well, but seeing them gone is like losing a piece of me."

"I know, Freja. I know.."

"I want it to end.."

"I know.."

I just want it all to end..

Game for the AntidoteWhere stories live. Discover now