She's Gone...

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I nod my head. "That means.. you have more antidote. Like the REAL antidote?"

Deborah looked at me and nodded. "Yes. There are four more antidotes. I am in the process of making more, but this game of Nelson is making it hard for me to make." She explained, closing the folder and tucking the small paper under the pile of folders again.

"Okay. Care to enlighten me what the next game is?" At this rate, I have a small chance of making it to the next game even if I knew what it was.

Deborah leaned close to my ear and whispered what the next game was. Why did she whisper it to me? I look at her and nod.

"That's it? I assume the games will get harder as this continues. But why tell me the answers?"

"You're the only person I have told everything that I'm doing. Not even Nelson or Wes knows about the antidote. And I need you to stay alive in the end."

Stay alive in the end? Is she planning to use me as an experiment for a different project?

"Why can't you just give me the antidote?"

"Because he'll find out. The purple in your arm will disappear and Nelson will see it. I can't afford to lose you. You are perfect for my new project."

A new project? On the spot?

"Did you just come up with the project right here, right now?"

"No. I had this project tucked away from everyone's knowledge and you are the perfect candidate for it."

"What's the project even called?"

"Project: 863"

I woke up back in the white room and the room had less people in it. Was the first game done? I searched around the room to find Avery and Nathan, but I couldn't find them. I slowly started to panic, but the door opened and it revealed Nathan only. I rushed down and saw Nathan holding something in his hand. He gave it to me before he quickly ran past me. I looked down at what he gave me and stared at it, terrified.


Avery's number...

I look at Nathan and run to him. "What happened? Where is Avery? Why do you have her band?"

"She's gone." Nathan whispered.

"What do you mean gone?"

"She's gone! The bastards took her because she didn't finish in time!"

I sat next to him and sigh. Avery's gone.. I've known the person for god knows how many hours and she's gone in an instant.. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I refused to let them spill. I quickly wiped them away and took a shaky breath.

"What now?"

Game for the AntidoteWhere stories live. Discover now