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"She did. She's one of the best biochemists I got to work alongside with. She died from the fire incident at location one. She tried saving the patients, but the door got blocked and... she didn't make it." Deborah explained.

Mom never mentioned her work when she's home. Is this why..? She just mentioned it when I asked her about it, I didn't know she's a part of this... This is all new to me...

"Freja? Say something.. Are you okay..." Woods asked, slowly shaking me back and forth.

"Did you really think this will get my trust back for you? Too late, Deborah." I said, tossing the folder back at her desk. "You lose the chance. We qui-"

The power went off, cutting me off. I look around the dark room, hearing shuffling footsteps around me. I don't know who is who and no one is talking, making it difficult on who's next to me or who's not. The power turned back on and the three of us are still there. But Deborah and Wesley are gone. Scott opened the door, sweat going down his face as he ushered us out of the room.

"Where did the two go?"

"August 6th. Deborah said she's going to be gone on August 6th."

August 6th? Gone? What's that supposed to mean? Confused, I followed Scott and the two and were back in the white room. Scott slammed the door behind us and we three stood there confused. The other two people came up to us and asked us what's going on. Matthias replied to them, while Woods and I looked around the place to look for something out of place. Everything in the room is out of place, especially the mattress in the corner of the room. I grabbed Woods and Matthias' arm and dragged them to the corner of the room, where the mattress is. The mattress felt heavy so I asked Matthias to help me flip it over. We flipped it over and we could not believe what we just saw. It's a bunch of bats and crowbar, and masks. The same mask that the phantoms are wearing. There were only two masks inside the mattress. The three of us grabbed the bats and crowbar and we told the other two people to grab weapons as well. We forgot to tell them to not take the mask, but our warning was too late and they were already wearing the phantom mask. The two people started to panic inside the mask, but they couldn't take it off. We ran to them, prying the mask off, but it wouldn't budge. The serum in the side of the mask started dispersing inside the mask, making the two people scream. Matthias pulled me back as we watched the two continue to scream and try to take the mask off.

"heLp ME!" One of the people screamed. I just stood there, watching as they continued to plead for us to help them. Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes, and they stopped. They both stopped screaming and just stood there. Lifeless. Their eyes turned red, the same shade as Samantha's, but they weren't moving. The door opened behind us and we saw a scientist and two phantom behind said scientist. I slowly raised my crowbar, ready to hit when something happened.

One of the phantoms looked at me, making me lose my hold on the crowbar for a bit, but I stood my ground. The phantom looked away and I let my guard down, just for a bit. The two phantoms continue to walk towards the two people, still standing in their place. They took off the mask from the two and they fell down to the ground, gasping for air. The scientist started writing down what they were seeing and nodded at the two phantoms. The phantoms dragged the people away, still gasping for air.

Did the mask do that to them?

And then there were three. Matthias, Woods, and myself. We three got escorted to a different room, but it was smaller than before and there were three small boxes in front of us. I grabbed mine with my name and opened it. It's a small paper with the label 'DO NOT READ OUT LOUD'. I grabbed the paper and started to read it.

The papers are filled with different messages. However, yours are filled with the correct direction. Keep this paper on yourself, do NOT let the two know. I'm sorry you have to betray them, but it's the only way to get out of this.

I looked at the two, still reading their messages. I took another look at the box and noticed something shiny between the foam inside the box. I turned around, facing away from the two and pulled out the object. It's a small key with the letter 'F' engraved in it. I put the paper in my pocket, along with the key and faced the two.

"Are you guys ready to betray each other?" I asked, earning a chuckle from the two. They both nodded and we headed to the final game.

To say that I'm scared is an understatement.

Game for the AntidoteWhere stories live. Discover now