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Avery showed me her white band and on it was written the number '015'. The question still remains, how many people are in this room? Everywhere I look, I see a sea of people, looking confused, scared, some even manage to go back to sleep. Weird, but good for them I suppose. I looked behind and saw more people. Fun.. but one person caught my eyes. Everyone around them is chatting, but they are not talking to anyone, except just looking at the people around them. We both locked eyes and they quickly looked away. I grab Avery's arm, not realizing it was the arm with the purple stuff running up her arm. I quickly pulled away and started to apologize. She smiled at me and told me it was okay. Still feeling guilty, I told her what I was going to do before I grabbed her arm. She looks at the person and she nods her head. I got up from the floor and offered my hand to Avery, which she accepted. We're both now on our feet and made our way to the stranger. We keep bumping into random people, and it's not helping with our arm, but the pain subside, but the purple is still crawling up to our arm. I let go of my left arm, ready for the pain, but I didn't feel anything.

Has it finally stopped now?

I looked at Avery and saw her thinking the same thing. Thank god that part was done. We made our way to the stranger I locked eyes on earlier. He was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and his band is the number '155'. He looked at us and gave us a small wave. Avery sat down next to him and asked him some questions. We found out that his name is Nathan and he experienced the same thing as the two of us. We started to form our group of three in a corner and surprisingly, the pain in our left arm is gone and we can finally move it again. I don't even know what time it is anymore because of these white walls. Before I was here, it was 8:36 PM. How many hours have passed since then? The lights start to slowly dim, making me and the two confused. What is happening?

All of a sudden, the doors opened and it revealed what looked like Scientists. They are all wearing a white lab coat and on the right side of it is their name tag. I couldn't see from afar what their names were, but a tall figure walked in the middle. They were wearing a black coat and their face was covered with a hood. And in front of their mouth is a mask. It had some snakes in front of it, and on the side were four liquids. What is inside those liquids and why are they needed for the mask?

I heard a gasp beside me and saw Avery and Nathan covering their mouth as they slowly pointed at the figure in the middle.

"That's the person!" They whispered at me. I slowly got up from where we were sitting and took a closer look. I slowly walk to the front, but what surprises me is that it's not the same person. This is a different person. This mask has some goggles and on it is X's. I went back to the two and told them my discovery.

"That's not the same person." I told them. The two looked at me confused. "What do you mean? That is the person! They're wearing the same outfit, the mask, heck even the goggles!" Nathan whispered at me. "No. The goggles are different. Those are X's. The ones we saw are circles." I explained. "Those are two different people. Unless they switch masks, or there is someone wearing circle goggles." And my theory was right. A person wearing goggles, but instead of X's, it's circles. I point at the person wearing the circles at the two and they nod at me. "How did you even know that?" Avery asked. "I don't know. It's just, the height of the person that's standing in the middle is much shorter than the one who took us here." I answered.

A screen appeared at the top of the scientists and the person wearing the goggles.

"Congratulations! You have been chosen to take part in the experiment at Syntec location 3."

The what?

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