Potential Subjects

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I stood there, shocked. I heard footsteps walking away from me and one approaching me. I followed the phantom again and we ended up at Deborah's office. The phantom opened the door and there was Deborah, writing something on a paper. She noticed me and the phantom and told me to come in. The phantom stayed outside and locked the door behind me. I sat in Deborah's chair and she started to talk.

"I'm assuming that the effect has come back?" She asked, pointing at my left arm.

"Yes. It hurts more than the first one. Wesley grabbed my arm earlier, and I think he grabbed it hard because it started to come back." I said, rubbing my left arm. The pain is still there, but it's slowly getting better and better.

"Wes? Wes is roaming around this facility?"

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No. Usually, Wes would come to location 3 when something bad is happening or if Nelson needs him for an experiment."

"Nelson injects his workers too?! Why haven't you left this work place?"

"I can't. I have to save the others from Nelson. I have to save Wes..." She stopped.

"I have to get Benjamin back.."

"Deborah I have told you to not let subjects stay-" a voice behind me stopped mid way. I look back and to my surprise, it's the man himself. Wesley.

"It's you again."

"Yup. It's me. Again." I said, finally letting go of my left arm. I took a sigh of relief and looked at my fingers that were covered in purple. Great.

"I thought the pain should've subsided by now. Why has it come back?" He asked. I chuckled and looked at him. I think he got what I'm trying to say. He slowly pointed at himself and I nodded. He looked at Deborah and then back to me.

"I apologize for my actions. I didn't know my own strength." He said, sitting in a chair next to me. I just reply with a nod and look back at Deborah.

"What is your purpose for visiting here, Wes?"

"I.. I have thought about what you said. And I agree. We should take him down." Wesley said, handing a paper to Deborah. Deborah looked at Wesley and she slowly took the paper out of Wesley's grip. She silently read what's inside it and nodded.

"Well then. I apologize, Freja, that this session must be cut off shortly. I will tell the phantom to-" Wesley cut Deborah off.

"Why not let them listen to the plan. After all, you said she is a perfect candidate for project 863." He said. Deborah looked at Wesley for a second and then she took a quick glance at me and nodded. I went back to where I was sitting and listened.

"As you know, I have chosen this timeline to set the project in motion. Wesley, you told me about some individuals that are also perfect for the project." Deborah said. Wesley handed her a folder that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Where the hell was he hiding that folder?

"Yes. Their names are Theo, Woodland, and Samantha." Wait. The same Samantha that I met earlier?

"I'm sorry to interrupt. It's just uh.. I met a person named Samantha earlier and I'm just curious if those are the same people that you found?" I asked. Hopefully they're the same people and hopefully we can bond outside of this place. Deborah looked at me and said "Yes, they are the same people that we are talking about. I need you to keep them in the game as long as you can." She said, How am I supposed to do that? I can't afford to lose people that I met again.

"But what if they..."

"That is outside of your protection. Scott Clarick will take care of them if they get eliminated from the game." Wesley said, fidgeting with the sleeves of his lab coat. Now a new name popped up. Scott Clarick, probably a helper of Wesley and Deborah? Or a corrupt scientist like Nelson?

"Okay.. so what is the next game?" I asked.

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