Side Game

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"I know Nelson."

Without another word, Nelson was gone. Deborah turned to us.

"Times up.. That's the longest Nelson has given subjects a break. It would mostly be like 15 to 35 minutes."

"How long has it been then?"

"14 hours.."

It did not feel like fourteen hours. Everything is just blurring together, I don't know what day it is anymore. Well- Deborah just told us what day it is earlier. But still.. Everything is just blurring all together. Me and the three looked at each other and just nod.

"Are we all getting injected or we're just getting escorted out?" Theo asked.

"You will be escorted out. With Nelson and Wes."

Yikes. That's the worst one.. I took a sharp breath and the other looked scared.

"Just comply and don't say anything to them." I said.

"Wait, you haven't told us about the next game.." Woods added.

"You four can figure it out. You guys are intelligent and you manage to survive the past games."

We manage to survive because of your guidance.. Without it... were in the dark. Like the rest...

"Are you sure, Deb?" Samantha asked.

"I'm sure. Good Luck and I'll see you guys after the game."

We all exit Deborah's office and meet with the founder and co-founder. Great... if things couldn't even get more uncomfortable, we have these two escorting us back to the white room.

"What has Deb seen in the four of you?" Nelson asked. None of us dared to speak so we just kept our mouths shut. I saw Theo started to say something, but I just glared at him and he closed his mouth. Don't say anything, don't say anything.

"She said we were a perfect fit for the project."


The three of us glared at Woods and he just sighs and drops his head. What the hell?!? This dude snitched on us and now he's gonna act like nothing happened?! Ugh..
"And what is the project, may I ask?"

"This project.'' Woods said without hesitation. Where is he going with this?

"Hm.. She may not be wrong. I think these two would be perfect for the next game." The next game. I look at who he was pointing at and it's Theo. What does he have for us...

"May I ask what the game is?"

"It's simple. Survive."

It's not like we've been doing that for the past days we've been inside this place. He always answered vaguely so we decided to just drop it. Wes on the other hand, has not said anything yet. What is he planning?

"Wesley. Why don't you show the two where the next game is." Wait what?

Wesley suddenly grabs me and Theo away from the two. We all looked at each other with fear, but Nelson stepped in front of the two and met our eyes instead. I looked away, but Theo didn't budge and continued to look at Nelson. I tapped him on his shoulder and he broke the contact.

"Where are you taking us, Wesley?" Theo asked, fixing his blue jumpsuit.

"The next game. I have to follow what Nelson says so he wouldn't get suspicious." He said, continue to drag us on this hall of corridor. We took a left at the end of the hall and saw an old looking door. That can't be that bad right? Right?


Me and Theo are stuck in this room with the old door on our way. The room started to smoke up and we both started to panic. I saw something peeking out of the corner of my eyes. I went in that direction and saw a small note.

Find the four number before...

Before what? Theo started looking for the numbers in the books, while I threw everything that could be thrown to the ground. Not my greatest idea, but the smoke is getting thicker and we're getting limited amounts of oxygen. I grab one of the pillows and turn it over.


"I got one!" I shouted at Theo. Theo came to my direction, slightly coughing from the smoke. He grabbed the pillow and put it in front of the old door. I started to cough, but I powered through it and walked around the room. I stumbled at the old desk, papers glued to it, some were even ripped. I check the drawers to find them locked.

"I found a set of numbers." Theo said, handing me a green paper. I put it on the lock on the drawer and it opened. I quickly grabbed what was inside.

The counteragent.

Theo looked at me and suddenly snacth the counter agent from me.

"What... what are you doing?" I was running out of oxygen. My vision started to blur, but I can still see Theo's silhouette walking away from me.

"Only one of us is gonna get out of this room."

My eyes close, not hearing his footsteps nor a door opening after.

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