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I gasped from the sudden pain in my chest and sat up from it. Tears started to brim from the corner of my eyes. I started to go into a coughing fit, not seeing two figures walking into the room.

"You're awake." I recognize that voice.

I looked up and saw Deborah, holding a water bottle and an apple. On her side is Wesley, looking guilty. She offered me the apple, but I chose the water and took a small sip of it.

"I didn't think that he would do that. I apologize for thinking he's the best fit for the subject. Freja I'm deeply-" I cut Wesley off by taking a sip.

"It's fine. It already happened."

There was silence.

"So am I eliminated from the game now?" I asked.

The two looked at each other, like they were having a conversation with eyes. Wesley sighs and looks back at me.


Deb looked at me with sympathy and looked away. It's over..

"Elimina-" "No."

I looked behind Wesley and saw the phantom with the circle goggles.

"What do you mean 'No'?"

"Nelson let her stay. After all, it's just a side game."

Nelson let me stay?

"Can you explain further?" Deb asks, crossing her arms.

"Two subjects didn't pass and now have been eliminated by Nelson himself."

We all looked at each other. Deb drops her arms and suddenly hugs Wesley. Wesley was shocked by the sudden contact, but he hugged back. Cute. The phantom looked at the two and looked back at me.

Boy do I smell jealousy in this room.

"Thank you, Benjamin." Wesley said.

Deborah let go and looked at me.

"Nelson wanted to see you as soon as you woke up." Benjamin said, pointing at me.

I took the cover off of me and got out of the small bed. I placed one foot on the ground and lost my balance, but Wesley caught me just in time.

"I don't think you're fine to meet Nelson right now." He said.

"I have to.."

Benjamin took my arm and started to drag me out of the room before the two could say anything. My legs started to hurt, but I ignored it and continued to get dragged by him. We stopped at a fairly looking old door at the end of the hallway. I started to lose my balance again, but I quickly played it off by leaning to the wall. He looked at me confused at first and then opened the door. I slowly entered the room and he closed the door behind me.

"Take a seat." Nelson said, closing a folder. I glanced at the folder and saw who owned it.

Freja Smith
Subject 590

Great, he's writing stuff in my folder.


He looked at me with confusion, but I guess he understood what I was trying to say.

"Why not? You have shown so much potential amongst other subjects. Sure, you did not pass this game, but you are worth keeping as a lab rat." He just kept me in the game as a lab rat? I have no clue why I thought he would change for a second.

"Although, the boy you were partnered with is the one that got out of the room and much stronger, I need someone weak, and you are perfect for that role."

Weak? Really? Is that what he really thinks of me? Forget this dude.

I stayed quiet the whole time as he continued to babble. I forgot how long he has been talking as I zone out. I don't know what to do. I can prove him wrong and just power through the remaining games.

"I assume you have stopped listening as you have been staring at the wall for the past five minutes." Crap. He caught me. I looked back at him and nodded.

"I think it's best that you be escorted back to the room." He said. A phantom appeared at the door and he gestured at me. The phantom grabbed my arm and dragged me out.

"After all. You are weak now, but that can change later."

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