20: the day of the match

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Y/n wakes up before everyone and sits in the living room, doing absolutely nothing. She starts to cry silently, not realising that there were some people now watching her. She eventually stops and gets up and walks straight to the mirror. After spending some time looking at it, her hand starts shaking and punches the mirror hard, causing it to shatter and her hand to bleed. She stands emotionless until Midorima turns her around.

Midorima: Eyes, y/n.

y/n: No.

Midorima: Show me your eyes, y/n.

y/n: NO.

Midorima: OPEN THEM.

She opens them and they are no longer her neutral black coloured eyes, one of them is glowing a pearly white colour.

Midorima: y/n...

y/n: We need her to help-

Midorima: No, we can win this game without her.

Akashi + Kagami: What's going on?

Kagami: My MIRROR!!

Akashi: y/n...

y/n: it's the only way. Her tone had now completely gone monotone, she was no longer begging for them to change their minds, it was like a command.

Akashi: Bring y/n back, Adira.

Kagami: Adira?

Midorima: Kagami, meet Adira- y/n's alter ego.

Kagami: Like Akashi's?

Akashi: no. worse.

Adira(y/n): I will make sure we don't lose this match, for y/n sake.

Kise: You're going to kill y/n-cchi.

Kagami: Kise? When did you wake up?

Kise: When I heard Adiracchin's voice.

Aomine: Oh hell nah, you're joking right? Nah, you're just tryna scare me.

Adira(y/n): Aomine, you seem to have changed. I don't like it.

Aomine: Might as well go jump off a cliff at this point.

    Kuroko walks in still half asleep and freezes when he senses her presence.

Kuroko: Not Adira-san. Please y/n-san.

Adira(y/n): You have all been quite disrespectful to me so far, you will regret that.

Murasakibara: y/n-chin.

Adira and the others all look over to Murasakibara who is slowly waking up as he walks into the room.

Murasakibara: Oh it's Adira-chin. Why is your hand bleeding?

Adira(y/n): To stop y/n from having a panic attack.

Murasakibara: Adira-chin, that's not how you stop people having a panic attack.

Adira(y/n): Well it worked.

Kise: Adiracchi? How about you come back in the match?

Adira(y/n): Why?

Kise: Well, don't you think you should give y/n-cchi some freedom, her life is being betted on, you know.

After some contemplation she sighs.

Adira(y/n): Fine. I'll be back in the match.

She blinks hard and when they open again, her eyes are black again, like normal.

Midorima: y/n how could you give in to Adira?

y/n: Sorry, shin.

Midorima: Let's get you bandaged up, kay?

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