1: Unexpected Reunion

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Here's the first chapter... enjoyyy :p

Aomine: Why are we all here? 

He groans, looking dully around at everyone. Kise, Murasakibara, Akashi, Momoi, and Kuroko all stood in an empty basketball court.

Kise: I dunno but y/n-cchi called us all here, and she said it was important.

(A/N: for those who don't know, Kise adds the honorific -cchi to those that he respects!)

Akashi: She and Shintaro are never late, I wonder what the hold up is.

    Y/n and Midorima enter the gymnasium.

Midorima: Sorry for our tardiness, y/n got a bit sidetracked.

y/n: Tetsuya, isn't this yours?

(A/N: y/n's character refers to people she respects by their first name, but when writing their names on the side i will refer to them by their surname )

She motions to Kagami who was waiting outside.

y/n: Were you just gonna leave him outside?

Kuroko: I didn't think you wanted him here.

y/n: then why bring him in the first place.

Kuroko: I didn't.

Kagami: What's going on?

Akashi: Nothing, it's just something you weren't invited to.

y/n: he can stay.

Akashi takes threatening steps towards Kagami, his eyes different colours. He reveals a pair of scissors from his pocket and slices his own hair in small snips.

Y/n: Sei.

Akashi: From what I recall, only the Generation of Miracles were meant to be here. It would seem there is an imposter. One which I must eliminate for trespassing.

He then plunges the scissors towards Kagami's face. Y/n pushes Kagami slightly out of the way and stops the scissors with the body of a toy car.

y/n: Seijuro! Where the hell are your manners? Go clean up that mess you made. Give me those scissors! Sorry about that, he takes everything a bit too far when he gets competitive.

Aomine: y/n why did you call us all here?

y/n: Right! Jabberwock. They've pissed me off, as have they to the entire Japan basketball fanbase. So we are going to play them, and for that, we need this team right here.

Murasakibara: I just wanna crush that guy's face-

Aomine: Hah. Did you hear they called us monkeys?

Midorima: How absurd, nanodayo.

(A/N: Nanodayo (なのだよ) is about the English equivalent of " 's-n-such " So a sentence of "Orenji o hirou nanodayo" would translate to "Pick up the oranges'-n-such". Midorima is the only person that says this, It just characterises him as someone who's very self-assured. Basically as though everything he says is matter-of-fact.)

y/n: Okay, I'm glad we all feel the same. As you all saw in the match, Riko's dad has already made it clear to them that there will be a rematch. We have a week to prepare.

Aomine; Well, it's been a while since we all played.

y/n: And I hope that won't be a problem for us. I have some reserves but we need to practice straight away!

Momoi: Y/n-chan, you're gonna play?

y/n: Yep, I can, there's no rule that prevents me from doing so.

Aomine: I'm surprised.

Akashi; Okay, let's not waste any more time, y/n how do you want to play this?

y/n: I want Tetsuya and the redhead on different teams to start off with.

Kagami: My name is Kagami. Taiga Kagami.

y/n: Nice to finally meet you, but first I need to do some analysis, so you and Tetsuya must stay on separate teams for two of the quarters, understood?

Kagami and Kuroko nod their heads.

Kise: why do you want them on different teams?

y/n: I won't tell you that unless it affects your performance, you know that Ryota.

y/n: Anyway, on Tetsuya's team I want Atsushi and Ryota please. And for the Kagami's team, I want... Aomine and Sei.

(A/N: y/n refers to basically everyone by their first name except Aomine because she hates him :) but when she first meets someone, out of respect, she calls them by their surname)

Midorima: What are you doing, the odds are so scattered, this won't give you a good analysis, nanodayo.

y/n: you're right, but I need to re-analyse everyone's abilities seeing as everyone has changed so much. They also need to get used to playing with each other again, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

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