I wore my hair loose and Clint had done my make-up in a soft natural effect. Definitely noticeable but to highlight my natural features, not to dominate them. I had a pale blue camisole in a soft floaty fabric, over muted silver boy leg panties. The camisole was empire cut, with the bra sculpted under my breasts, and over it, I had a brushed steel corset that sat under my breasts and had vertical strips that reached the circle around my waist. I had paired it with silver thigh-high, gladiator-style heels - though I still could barely walk in heels, so they were quite low. Around my neck, I had a Mjolnir pendant. I hoped that she might guide me tonight.

As we reached the door the sounds of music and talking permeated out. Thor stopped before we reached the door and turned to me, taking both my hands in his. "Elise, my life, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. I mean, I can just watch, right?" I said.

"Of course," he said, his thumb caressing my cheek. "There is no pressure. But you are shaking like a leaf."

"I'm okay," I assured him. "I'm just kind of nervous and excited."

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "Yep. Ready."

Thor nodded to the guards at the door and they pulled it open.

I was surprised by how many people were in the first room. The couch that Steve had fucked me on had a group of women sitting around talking as they nursed drinks. Another group of women was on a different couch, all tangled together as they kissed. People were using the silks that hung from the ceiling, entertaining the room by doing sensual gymnastic routines to the music that filled the room. As soon as the doors closed a small group of people approached Thor. "My lord, would you like to join us?" a tall blonde woman asked.

Thor turned to us. "Loki and I have an agreement, they use the rooms on the left and I use the rooms on the right. I'm sure they won't care if you intrude on their space, but be aware they will be down there somewhere."

"Keeping to the right," Clint said. "Got it."

"Are you alright, my queen?" Thor asked.

I nodded. "Yes, go. Get laid."

He chuckled and Sam rubbed Thor's arm. "I'll stick with her. Don't worry."

"As you wish," Thor said, and let the group lead him down to the right.

"Let's take a look around," Tony said.

We moved down to the right and began to look around. There were several rooms and each one we passed into got slightly darker and more people were having sex. We stopped in the second room and got ourselves drinks and in the third room, thigh-high we lost Clint when a group of women gestured for him to join them on a large opulent bed.

In the fourth room, we came across Sif and Hogun. Sif was stretched out on a couch being eaten out by a muscular guy with a back nearly as broad as Thor's. Hogun approached us as we watched on. Sif's breasts rose and fell and she gripped the edge of the couch as she dug her heels into the man's back.

"She is quite beautiful, isn't she?" Hogun said.

"He's not too bad either," Natasha said.

"No Volstagg or Fandral?" I asked.

"Volstagg will be home with his wife and children. They attend on occasion, but the two have more children than all of you together. They appreciate a good night's sleep," he explained.

"With that many kids? I doubt they're sleeping when they're in bed," Tony joked.

Hogun laughed. "Yes. I suppose that is true. As for Fandral, he'll be with Loki."

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