Chapter 1: The Pimp

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Hey guys!! Decided to go ahead and start posting this!! Hope you love it!!! <3


"Watch it ass hole!" I muttered as some jerk pulled in front of my car, almost wrecking my black mini cooper, causing me to slam on my brakes and spill my coffee, all over my favorite skinny jeans. Cursing under my breath, as I tried to wipe it up with the starbucks napkin. Luckily, Ms. Jones's coffee was intact which meant that I wouldn't have to drive all the way back to starbucks. "Shit."

I pulled my car into the parking lot of the huge record building, parking in my usual spot. Carefully balancing my purse and the two coffees along with my bosses low fat, low sugar, zero carbs scone, basically crap in a fancy bag, I walked into the building. The receptionist was nice enough to open the door for me. She was a huge directioner so she basically would do anything to breath the same air as me. This probably wasn't the best job for her considering she fan girled at absolutely everything. I stepped onto the overly fancy elevator and hit the button to my bosses floor with my elbow. It opened straight into a hall that had her office at the end, with doors made of some expensive wood.

She sat where she usually sat, with her feet on her desk and a laptop in her lap. "Oh, Danni! Good my coffee! And you remembered my scone!" This is what she said everyday, literally everyday. Of course I remembered the scone! If I didn't she would bite my head off and fire me. I handed her the coffee and scone.

I turned on my heel and started walking to the heavy doors when she said "Oh Danni, I have a meeting at noon! Please arrange everything!" I rolled my eyes but agreed politely.

Sitting at my desk, I chugged my coffee. Geez why is my desk so cluttered! Oh yeah 'cause I have the boss from hell. She wasn't even busy today yet she had me doing what little work she did have, carelessly throwing it all over my desk.

Today she had only one meeting- meaning she had the whole day to herself- a meeting with Justin Bieber. I had met him a few times and absolutely hated him. He always offered to sleep with me, as if it was a great honor to be asked by him, even when I was with Lou. He persisted through all of my no's, yet I could still feel him mentally undressing me whenever he saw me. Gross. The meeting probably had something to do with his recent break up with Selena and his lack of publicity. Basically he was a money pit and we all knew it.

As they say speak of the devil and he shall appear. Justin waltzed through the door with what his fans called "his pretty boy swag." His pants were practically around his ankles, showing off his bright green underwear. They sight of him disgusted me so much.

"Hello beautiful." He said when he saw me at my desk and sat across from me. "My offer still stands you know." He winked at me as he once again, started mentally raping me. I rolled my eyes at him and Ms. Jones came out of the elevator. She hugged Justin like they were old friends and kissed his cheeks. To my relief, she led him to a nearby conference room. Before he disappeared into the room he held his hand up to his ear, his thumb and pinky extended, as he mouthed a 'Call me!' Yea in your dreams, Mr. Pimp-Ass-Swag.

~Justin's POV~

Geez the things I would do to that girl! I thought as I sat in front of her desk, reminding her of my previous offers. She rolled her eyes at me making me laugh. I will sleep with her one of these days. Before I could complete my fantasy, Jones walked down the hall. Man, can you say COUGAR! I hugged her as she hugged me like me were friends, ha yea right! She pulled me into the conference room. I gave Danni a call me sign and laughed once again at her revulsion. Jones insisted on me sitting in the middle of the table but I chose my usual seat at the head of the table, while everyone else sat around me.

"So Justin, you're having some ah, publicity issues." Jones put lightly. I gave her my best 'Your point is?' look and waited for her to say "You need some publicity, no one cares about the whole Jelena thing anymore." Geez, she sounds like a little kid.

"And what do you suggest?" I said while I played Temple run 2 on my phone. The associates in the room talked about all the ways I could get in trouble or do something heroic.

"What if he smoked pot! or Disappeared! or Did charity work?" they all blurted out at random points.

"Sex tape!" I blurted out as I was about to beat my highscore, laughing at my own hilariousness. The room went silent and everyone stared at me and I was eaten by the mutant monkey thingy. "Damnit!" I almost dropped my phone. They still stared at me. "What are you staring at?" I said as they continued staring.

"That's genius!" Jones said running over to my seat and wrapping me in an eye popping bear hug. "And I know just the girl to do it!"


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Rock on guys!!

Steph <3

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